Monday, December 06, 2004

Home, sweet home

Now, I like my neighborhood. Granted, the place is a bit rough around the edges and can look slightly intimidating to outsiders. I have lived here more than three years. I am a single white female who stands just under 5 foot 4 inches. I am not terribly threatening. I have never had any sort of intimidation/robbery/mugging issue in my neighborhood. I mention this because a friend who lives a block and a half away (and has lived there about a year) has spent less time here than I have, but has had far more issues (one blatant threat of physical harm, two break-ins, and he came home the day before Thanksgiving to find police tape blocking his front entrance and police who wouldn't tell him what happened). How can this be? Have I just been very lucky? As I walk down the street I am aware of my surroundings, but I don't feel nervous. I feel comfortable here. I read the crime report, I get the emails and the gossip about area muggings and break-ins, I know what goes on. I know that violent crime exists my neighborhood, and I do take steps to protect myself, but I am not afraid of where I live.

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