Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The DC's Housing Bubble Will Burst? Think Again.

The Wall Street Journal today had an article discussing a new report released by The PMI Group that, among other things, discusses real estate bubbles and rates the likelihood that housing prices in a given market will decline in the next ten year. The report gave the DC metro area a risk index of 151 (meaning there is 15% chance of area prices declining). The top rating went to Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH with a risk index of 533. I haven't had time to read full report yet, but the charts are good even if you are feeling lazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This housing this is nuts. So does DC have a great economy? Yeh its good. There are alot of jobs down here. But, they are government jobs. Which means the common person is topped out at around 150K and most make around 80K. In fact the average household is pulling in 80 to 100k. So that's good money but is that 600K house money? Maybe if you already own a home you could move into that 600K house. However, the first time home buyer will either plunge into debt, rent forever, or leave the area. I prefer the later 2. The housing market is ridiculous. Greenspan is a mad man and Bernanke should push those rates until the bubble colapses into a black hole singularity.