Wednesday, June 01, 2005

More Dumping on H Street

Once again I saw numerous bags of junk illegally dumped outside of one of the thrift stores on H Street. This time it was the American Rescue Workers store (1100 block). I'm not sure how we can prevent dumping that comes in the middle of the night (perhaps it will taper off when more businesses occupy vacant storefronts, and when more people walk the streets at night). The day time dumping, which generally takes place outside the Salvation Army on Sundays, is probably the more easily solvable problem. I imagine that increased sidewalk traffic will act as a deterrent (hopefully witnesses will also note & report license plate numbers). Where shame can't do the job, big fines will.


Richard Layman said...

Well, the civil libertarian in me isn't big on cameras, but...

inked said...

Yeah, it can be very aggravating. I used to live in a house on the 1100 block of I Street & we had a horrible dumping problem on the vacant lots (not ownered by the homeowners) behind the houses. The would dump all kinds of stuff back there where children would play. Worse yet was the fact that those same lots had been the site of at least one fire in the past and I noticed (and removed for safer disposal) still half full containers of lighter fluid and other flammable materials mixed in with the trash.