Friday, November 11, 2005

Housing Boom Over?

Check out this story from the Post. The housing boom did need to end sometime.


Anonymous said...

That which cannot go on forever, won’t.
- “Stein’s Law” (Herbert Stein)

Sigh. This news is not particularly surprising. As a recent buyer in Capitol Hill, I'm not thrilled by it. Thankfully, we bought for the long term, so the news is also somewhat academic. I do think we're going to see a real shake-out in the next 2-3 years as those who bought on hope and easy credit have to deal with declining housing prices. My hope though is that a period of flat or declining housing prices doesn't interupt the good things that are happening in the neighborhood, particularly on H street.

Anonymous said...

I have still very recently seen certain houses and condos disappear in one weekend recently on the Hill. But not all.

I suspect we just need some time for people to adjust to the fact that you can't slap on $40K on the price of the closest comp, mildly clean your place (or not even bother) and expect it to sell in under two weeks. (Hey, I bought one of those myself too a year ago.) The rest of the country makes do with a couple of months....

Short Stories said...

You were right on teh $$ and that post was in '05..