Monday, August 06, 2007

5B08 Meeting Wednesday

Where: Joe Cole Rec (1200 Morse)
When: 6-8pm
General Topics:
*Wheatley Elementary -update on the upcoming renovation
*The Institute of Urban Living's Hyacinth Place -a 15 unit SOR providing affordable housing to formerly homeless women recovering from mental health issues
*DDOT Grant: a brief explanation of where the money is going
*H Street: streetscape work and other changes (a general update)
*Florida Market: what's new with the Market & what is this New Town thing?


Anonymous said...

The Hyacinth Place sounds like a worthy goal oriented structure. But I have to call BS on their statement that they'll be some sort of neighborhood catalyst. If anything, homeless and recovery shelters retard the redevelopment of a neighborhood. I'm not saying they aren't necessary. But it's BS to say they are going to ba a neighborhood recovery catalyst. It'd be much better if we were honest - we have this need in the community but to answer the need the surrounding community will be at least marginally negatively impacted.

Anonymous said...

Anyone wondering if they live in 5B08 feel free to check out the map on the Trinidad web site. Hopefully once the strip club opens up in Hillman's house he'll buy a second home over here in Trinidad :-)

Anonymous said...

If I'm buying close to the strip club I'm buying close enough to get a cut of the action, money wise.

Anonymous said...

hmmm. there isn't a specific address for the hyacinth place project. just that it's on bladensburg. anybody know the exact address?

i have to agree with hillman on this one. it's better to be honest, because it *will* have some ramifications...

inked said...

1058 Bladensburg (just down from Mudrick's).

Anonymous said...

gotcha, inked.

what do you think?