Monday, February 01, 2010

Gunshots Again

I just heard several of them. Just like the last time they appeared to come from near the 1200-1300 block of Morse, or the alley just south of it.


??? said...

Did you phone them in?

Anonymous said...

Anyone know what was going on at 10th and I street NE? There were about 7 cops standing in the street, 3 cruisers and an ambulance on the street. I didn't see any bad guys, just a ton of good guys.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot to say, at 10th and I street NE, it was around 10pm ish last night, 2-1-2009

Anonymous said...

Woman who doesn't live on block passed out and not breathing on sidewalk being "assisted" by drunk/messed up guy that doesn't live on block. Neighbors called it in when couldn't resuscitate the woman, because drunk/messed up dude wouldn't move away from the woman. Have no idea if she's okay, but the drunk was allowed to leave the scene. I stress doesn't live on block because those of us that do really appreciate what a great block we have and don't really accept being a dumping ground for the possibly dead.

Anonymous said...

I heard them too but I was not sure exactly where they were coming from so I was reluctant to call them in.

Dolemite said...

The first order of business should be to ascertain the race of the shooter(s). Only then can we move forward with a fruitful discussion about the cause of the shooting and the prevention of further shootings! Right, Anonymous??

Anonymous said...

they were definitely black.

Anonymous said...

I am requesting the removal of Dolemite's post made at 11:10 AM. No previous poster even alluded to race and his comment does not move this discussion anywhere.

Dolemite said...

"No previous poster even alluded to race..."

So impatient, Anonymous. Give it time. Just give it time...

"...and his comment does not move this discussion anywhere."

If that were the standard for censoring comments, Inked would have to spend her whole day removing posts. Besides, I don't think she wants to get involved in limiting the free expression of snark :)

Anonymous said...

I read the comment as being facetious (i.e., a slight to the people who harp on race as opposed to a specific race). Pretty funny, imho.
-Alexander Supertramp

Anonymous said...

unless it was gil's gold 45, i bet the gun was black. somebody should look into why no matter what race the animal is, the gun is almost always black. (wood handled rifles are too quaint to discuss). inked, i didn't get your e mail until this morning. someone should be in around 4 -430 today.
tonyt the pug

Dolemite said...

Or if it's Bullet Tooth Tony's desert eagle point five O (also not black). You see people. No matter the color of the gun, it can still be scary. And if it's pointed at your face, it's definitely a problem. In that situation, the color of the gun is the least of your problems.

Alan Page said...


allow me to introduce you to the world of chrome firearms, which are (gasp!) not black.

in next week's episode, i will introduce you to the use of a word other than "animals" to describe human beings

Anonymous said...

Yes, please don't insult animals based on the behaviors of some human beings.

Dolemite said...

"in next week's episode, i will introduce you to the use of a word other than "animals" to describe human beings"

Clearly, you haven't run across me on a Saturday night after I've had my fill of Guinness!

Anonymous said...

can't believe i forgot chrome! how post racial, and blingy. if you can bring some humans around who act up, and use even post racial guns for things other than shooting targets, that aren't animals, i'll buy you a shot. of course dolemite, you went with the black beer. how about a pale ale for once? sheesh! if you come to the pug, no black label for you.

Anonymous said...

two months ago a young woman who is 8 months pregnant was brutally attacked at 4th and G. Her two year old child hit the pavement and went to the hospital for stitches on his forehead. Please explain to me how these assailant(s)are not animals?

poo poo the clever said...

This will solve all our problems only for $390

Someone please open a retail shop to sell these fashionable items of clothing and call it "H-street proof"

carry said...

People need to start carrying their handguns with them. Once we start putting holes in the chests of these idiots word will spread and they will stop. Armor up people!

Anonymous said...

yes i definitely think armor and more guns are the way to go. however since i am a small business man with little extra cash and crappy health insurance, i will continue to use what i have always used to solve problems. whisky. i get them too drunk to focus and aim, and i get myself drunk enough to be a wobbly target.
tonyt the pug

Anonymous said...


All the posts on this seems to be a little negative on site right now. Do you have any updates on all the great new places that are opening on H St to cheers us all up? Although H St does have some problems there are some great things coming down the pike that we can look forward to.

Zeke from Cabin Creek said...

Did one of the gunshots hit Inked? When is Tony from the Pug going to get his own blog? Does anyone else strictly shop at Unik Style? Is it still vigilante justice if you go about it sniper style? When will the Hess start selling milk? Why are Murray's chicken nuggets so incredible? Isn't Alex thebartender just absolutely dreamy? How bout them Mountaineers? Go Team Neighborhood!

Anonymous said...

until the comment about alex being dreamy, i don't think the comments were really negative. i think what you're hearing is fear, confusion, anger, and hope. we live in a city where 59% is not the majority and in a neighborhood that is under attack by busloads of albino, asian, doctoral candidates who are mugging and carjacking only white folks. through it all the residents, business owners, and inked are struggling to add to the historical legacy of this neighborhood. occasionally an insane person who thinks alex is dreamy or that the mountaineers stand a chance against villanova makes a post on FT but mostly what your hear is a neighborhood evolving. soon enough, a pizza shop, a pie shop, a noodle shop, a diner, an eyetalian restaurant, and maybe a mexican joint.
the pugs

Karen said...

Carry -- I wear *under*armour. Do you think that will help to protect me?

daaaa poooo said...

tonyt for prez of h street!

you know he's more than a successful entrepreneur and a blog-to-be.

write that mofo in, during the next election!

roxanneismyalterego said...


I've sadly given up on the pie shop. I think it was all a mean ploy to tease my love of pie and then leave me crustless and weeping in front of the perpetually papered store front.


Derek said...

I guess the pie shop closed its pie hole

Anonymous said...

Yeah, carry, great idea. After all, knowing the other thugs they mix it up with might be armed sure does act as a deterrent to violent crime already.

Put guns in the hands of all the soft targets and what will you get? Not this Libertarian wet dream/hallucination of gun enforced peace on the'll get the same criminals shooting first and then just taking your wallet off your body.

I know you're a big, tough, strong, carrying man, but there's no getting around the fact that the offense knows what play is going to be run. So unless you're walking around pointing your piece at everyone who might be armed, it's not going to be long before you're a big, tough, dead man w/ a gun in his belt.