Saturday, April 10, 2010

Own an H

Those H shaped planters on H Street will soon give up their spaces to living trees. That means you can now get one of the colorful planters in exchange for a tax deductable donation of $200 to DC Greenworks.


Tom A. said...

wait- already? That was fast-- they went up last summer. Does this mean tree planting is happening this spring? I doubt it- and I hope not, since there is at least a year of work still to be done.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean we can finally get rid of those awful things? Better to have empty space.
Who's actually going to pay money for them?

Anonymous said...

Agree completely with Anon. Those were a mistake. Shows how we're quick to get excited about something only to later find out it wasn't exactly what you were expecting. I'd pay someone $200 if they would take them all away. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Loved them myself, but I don't want pay $200 for one. If they were worth that, someone would've stole them all by now.

Anonymous said...

Loved them myself, but I don't want to own one. If they were worth anything, someone would have them by now.

ro said...

that picture really does sum up H St. all that's missing is a guy pooping inside the H.

tonysmallframe said...

I've seen 5-6 of these H's camping out in my alley for the past few weeks.

Anonymous said...

Ever heard of the principle form follows function? Whoever designed these planters never did. Whether you think they are an eyesore or not, they are terrible for planting. Of course there will be a few people who throw them in their yards to look hip.

not on parker said...

Hrmm...if I buy one of these, can I demolish it? That's what it might take to make these things go away! Maybe this summer's Youth Corps can wield sledge hammers rather than paintbrushes...

wires? said...

the_matt said...

Yet another example of the lasting value to the community provided by the Mayor's summer job corps.

Aesthetic and monetary value (both questionable, as far as I'm concerned) of the H's aside - why not pay the kids to do something that's going to stick with the community and stick with the kids (in terms of skills)?

And my personal nitpick on these things - even though they're outdoor decorations - with the accompanying lower expectations for neatness - it wouldn't have hurt to measure and cut everything such that the edges were flush...