Tuesday, May 18, 2010

GGW: Bikes Beware on Benning Road

Greater Greater Washington points out that somebody screwed up and didn't install the bike friendly grates on Benning Road between the streetcar tracks. Instead, they installed the wrong grates (original plans called for the safe grates). The grates are dangerous because a bike wheel could become stuck, causing the rider to fall into traffic. DDOT is aware of the issue, but has not yet provided a timeline for replacement.


Anonymous said...

Won't somebody please think of the children!?

Anonymous said...

I'm confused by the phrasing: the grates are "bike friendly," but they're also dangerous because a bike wheel might get stuck?

inked said...

No, they didn't install the bike friendly grates called for in the plans. Someone screwed up and used the wrong grates.

Anonymous said...

sounds like another DC agency hiring indigenous DC residents...

Anonymous said...

not a good move on their part, both dangerous and costly to the bike rider

Anonymous said...

are they dangerous to motorcycles as well?

no more noise pollution said...

what about the problem of the grates making a loud "clang" sound every single time a car drives over them? Can they fix that too while they're at it?

I can hear this from my home near 7th and I every time a car drives over the grate on H between 5th and 6th in front of Taste of Jamaica.

inked said...

The danger is that the grate is pretty much the same size as some bike tires. So I think you're safe.

No more noise,
I think these are different grates. The ones near you are temporary, no?

no more noise said...

Inked - I don't think these are temporary. They are on the completed section on the north side of H (same side where the tracks now run) and look just like the picture GGW posted.

inked said...

No more noise,
in that case I would talk to DDOT. They probably already know about the issue, but it doesn't hurt to be safe. I wonder if others are having a noise issue further down.

Would you be willing two do three things:

1. talk to DDOT to confirm they aren't temp;
2. send me a photo;
3. send me something I can post about the noise/other issues.

I'll post it and give you full credit if you can give me those three things. I also reserve the right to edit posts (I'll get your approval first).

But this would be a great way to report stuff I don't see/hear on my own way down on the east end.

Anonymous said...

I am truly shocked that d dot would screw something like that up. Do you think it was the blizzard's fault or is it a plan by colbert king to pay us back for getting the rascist free h street shuttle.
the pug

Anonymous said...

Actually it's DDOT's lack of good oversight of a PRIVATE contractor that's paid to manage and oversee the PRIVATE contractors. We all know how perfect the PRIVATE sector is.Since there is a noticeable lack of indigenous DC employees working on the H street construction, much less managing it, I'm doubt that they are to blame.

inked said...

What do we me by indigenous? Marion Barry was a damn carpet bagger at one point. He came up from the south. How long was one be here to be a local? Marian Barry lived here for 7 years before he was elected to the School Board. Wow, I might have to look into it further. 7 years... wow.

Anonymous said...

Well, i'm vaguely local. I grew up in northeast and ward 8 (oxon hill). I'm not sure if that makes me indiginous, indignant or incontinent. The buck's gotta stop somewhere. Someone needs to be held accountable, local or not. They are behind shedule, and unapolageticly not sticking to the plans they initially set up.
the pug.

Tubbs said...

This is a local shop for local people, there's nothing for you here!