Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thieves Hit Toyland

I got the following from a reader:

I walked by Toyland this morning at around 7:20 and one of the doors had the glass broken out of it. I called 911, but just as the operator picked up a gentleman (patron) came out from Sidamo and said that he had already called the Police about 5 minutes prior - but they were not yet on the scene. I texted a friend of mine who knows the owner of the building as well as the manager at the bar. He was able to then get in touch with the owner and manager and let them know what happened. He also let me know that Police were now on the scene and that it appeared to be a broken door only - nothing else appears to be missing.


Anonymous said...

damn. its been a rough month all round.

sbizzle said...

Hijack - so - looks like they are still working on Benning/15th intersection . . . is there a REAL timeline for when all this construction will be completed?

bakerette said...

I hope they didn't cause too much damage! Toyland is a great addition to the west end of H St NE.

Anonymous said...

5 bottles stolen, we might be looking for a couple of delinquent kids. do you know where your childeren are?

Anonymous said...

sbizzle-- they are still working on the starburst but I think it's largely curb work-- especially the park/water wall area on the NE corner. The new road asphalt seems mostly finished and is a god send for somebody who has bounced through that intersection every day for months.

RPW said...

Between the 5 bottles here and the 3 cases of PBR from the Argonaut someone will be having one hell of a party.

Seriously though I hope this gets put under control quickly. This is the kind of nonsense that can dissuade potential business owners from opening up shop.

Anonymous said...

this kind of crap drives businesses out of business! How much will it cost to repair the door? $1000?

Thugs running rampant will drive H Street back to being a ghetto

Anonymous said...

How are these jackasses breaking into businesses on the main strip without being seen? I know the MPD can't be everywhere, but there are enough cruisers in the H street area that I'm surprised they are getting away.

Do any blocks have neighborhood watches that include H Street proper?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an inside job to me...

Kenny G said...

Bernard-- Here's another great chance to blame the victim. Don't forget to use the word maybe, cuase that makes it ok.

Anonymous said...

The real Bernard says "nice" to the last two posts.

bernie madoff said...

i love these inside jobs

MJ said...

Both Bernard and Joe are "right" in their own way- Bernard doesn't know the parties involved and is theorizing dispassionately based on the info he does know; Joe knows the people, trusts them, and is willing to vouch for them.

Anonymous said...

Wait, joe and bernard robbed toyland? I have no faith in humanity.
the pug

inked said...

Tonyt, CLEARLY what happened here is that Joe and Bernard conspired to rob both the Argo and Toyland. Not satisfied with robbing the Argonaut (where Joe is a part owner) for PBR and PVC pipes, they probably tried to steal some liquor from Toyland. I suspect they also wanted to steal the cool bar, but didn't realize that it wouldn't fit through the door. I suspect they'll hit the yoga studio up next. I don't trust white people, or ANYONE named Bernard. They're all thieves.

Anonymous said...

Joe works out, but he's not going to a yoga studio. The heat would melt him. He's the wicked witch of northeast after all. As for bernard and all the crackers, thank god i'm only part white. It's the trashy part, but it's only part.

Derek said...

Anon 7:48

What is funny is that you called Bernard a 'cracker'.

I would love to see the look on his face....

Anonymous said...

Misplaced comma. Do we know which bernard is on the crime spree with joe?