Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Candidate Statement: Adam C. Healy ANC 6A01

Earlier I offered to post candidate statements from local (Trinidad, Rosedale, Near Northeast, the northern portion of Capitol Hill, Carver-Langston, Ivy City, ect.) ANC candidates, and local candidates for the Board of Education. This statement is posted pursuant to that. It does not constitute an endorsement, unless otherwise specified. Here you go:

Candidate Statement from Adam Healy (ANC6A01)

I love our community and am excited about its future. I also have a deep commitment to public service--having worked on Capitol Hill and being elected to my hometown school board while I was a college student. That's why I'm running for the Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC).

I grew up in a small town and understand the importance of neighbors looking out for one another. That sense of community is present in our neighborhood today, and I want to work to make sure it remains as H Street develops.

Unfortunately, like too many of us, I've been the victim of crime in our neighborhood. My home has been broken into twice and my car has been stolen. But that's nothing compared to others who have been mugged or physically harmed. I have a plan to make our community a safer, cleaner and all around better place to live – and I have the experience to get it done:

* Safer and cleaner streets. I’m tired of our community being a target for crime and trash dumping. I will fight to beef up foot patrols on our streets, crack down on illegal parking, and stop illegal dumping in our streets and alleys.

* Smart growth. I support the continued revitalization and job growth on H Street. But I also will be a strong advocate for balanced zoning and rules to make sure that rapid growth doesn’t get out of control.

* More community input. I will hold regular meetings with residents of our ANC to seek input and hear concerns about community issues to ensure your voice is heard.

* Seeing streetcars through. I will fight to fully fund streetcars on H Street and protect these funds from being raided by politicians for their pet projects.

As a former Hill staffer, I understand how to navigate government to get things done. I volunteered for our ANC’s Alcohol Beverage Licensing Committee to work with community residents and business leaders to make sure our neighborhood is moving in the right direction. I've already worked with Councilmember Tommy Wells, WMATA, DDOT, DPW, MPD, and other city agencies on issues important to my neighborhood. Now I want to put my experience to work for the entire neighborhood.

If you live between H Street and Florida Avenue NE and 7th to 13th Streets NE, I hope I can earn your vote on November 2nd. With your support and by listening to your concerns, I will represent you in making our community an even better place to live, work, and play.

I appreciated all the 6A01 residents that stopped by my booth at the H Street Festival to say hi and visit about the neighborhood. Please feel free to contact me--I'd welcome hearing your thoughts on neighborhood issues.

Adam C. Healy
Candidate for ANC6A01
812 11th St NE
Washington, DC 20002
*Vote Healy on November 2nd*

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