Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A New Day For Ward 5

As I'm assuming everyone has heard, Kenyan McDuffie won by a landslide last night. Though I expected him to win, I thought it might be a pretty close election. Through the hard work of a broad coalition of awesome individuals, McDuffie was able to get nearly 45% of the vote. He took home 4,085 votes out of a total of 9,175. The total number of votes in itself was impressive for a special election (especially one held on a rainy day).

I'm excited about this because it's a clear mandate for an ethical candidate for Ward 5, and one who will bring a brighter future to all of us. He leans more progressive than the other frontrunners, and can tip the Council vote in a positive way. I see that as very good news for the entire District of Columbia.

Kenyan was endorsed by Tommy Wells, and I'm thrilled to have a Ward 5 Councilmember who can (finally) work well with the Ward 6 Councilmember. This opens up so many opportunities for development on Bladensburg Road and Benning Road that build on the excitement and action already present on H Street.

I wish I could say that Kenyan swept Trinidad, but the winner in precinct 77 (my home precinct) was Delano Hunter, and Kathy Henderson won precinct 78 (where I worked yesterday). That said, Kenyan did make an impressive showing over here. Plus, the overall turnout for Trinidad was quite good, and that's terrific news. Thanks to everyone who voted.

You can read more about the results in the Washington Post.


Anonymous said...

Ooo....this blog is in trouble now that this candidate won! Guess you should have supported the winner!

inked said...

Thrilled and exhausted. I'm so glad Kenyan pulled this off!

Fidel Castro said...

Frozen Tropics is in line for a city grant!