I'm not sure what was going on last, but I got a few MPD alerts last night for the area. I made a map of the locations. You can find the alerts below:
Police Alert-Robbery Gun
Robbery Gun: 2232 hours. 716 5th St.NE -LOF: B/M 5'10 DO NOT TAKE ACTION CALL 911 W/EVENT
Sent on: 01/24 22:49
Sent by DC Police Alert to e-mail, pagers, cell phones....powered by Cooper Notification RSAN
Police Alert-Robbery Gun
Robbery Gun-2201 hours-12th@ H Street NE-LOF:B/M ,5'10", all black clothing, black face mask - last seen running towards 13th Street NE-Subject pulled weapon and demanded money DO NOT TAKE ACTION CALL 911 W/EVENT #120100042030
Sent on: 01/24 22:15
Sent by DC Police Alert to e-mail, pagers, cell phones....powered by Cooper Notification RSAN
Police Alert-Robbery
Robbery at 3Rd and H St. NE. 1842 hours. Lookout for 4 B/M'S... APPP13-14YOBM'S... SUBJS WALKING TOWARDS NORTH CAPITOL ON H DO NOT TAKE ACTION CALL 911 W/EVENT #I20100041790
Sent by DC Police Alert to e-mail, pagers, cell phones....powered by Cooper Notification RSAN
Another group of 13-18 yr. old black males robbing people in or near Capital Hill. Guess they hit their carjacking quota for the day and decided to go mugging up on H St. to blow off a little steam.
I support MPD -- but seriously, this is ridiculous. Why is it that with all the recent carjackings in the neighborhood the cops don't have a beefed up presence on or near H St. and can't spot these these Lil' Wayne wannabes a mile away?
I know its hard, but how about getting out of your squad cars and doing some friggin' foot patrols for once.
It's only a matter of time until one of these robberies results in tragedy. Are there any updates on the woman who is 8 months pregnant and her two year old child who were attacked at 3rd and G?
These people are animals and need to be stopped!
I think there was a fourth as well.
PSA: 102
CCN: 10010711
RPT DATE: 01/24/2010
OFFENSE: Robbery
LOCATION: Sidewalk
START DT: 01/24/2010
START TM: 01:38:00
END DT: 01/24/2010
END TM: 01:49:00
Residents need to call-in suspicious activity or individuals that look out of place. If something looks strange, call 911. It's a good way to increase police presence.
It's not racist (assuming the people you call on aren't your race), it's not paranoia, it's common sense.
We know each other on this part of the Hill and know when something is amiss.
Just FYI, one suspect was taken into custody soon after the robbery on H and a weapon was recovered. These First District officers are all over this side of the Hill and they are getting results. Good job guys!
Neighbors need to be vigiliant in calling stuff in. Seriously, loitering may not be a crime here, but if you see something suspicious, you should call it in, per MPD-1D Commander Kamperin. If you see someone breaking the law -- even just kids drinking or something, please call it in! Your neighbors thank you.
Do you know what "neighborhood" one has to receive text alerts for to receive the 12th an H alert? I thought I had signed up for all the proper 'hoods, but I didn't receive this alert.
Why is it that other nightlife areas get beefed up police presence (e.g.: chinatown) at the drop of a hat (and residents' complaints) yet H st can't get a decent police presence without the businesses having to pay for it themselves?
Ridiculous. Everyone should call Tommy Wells office and demand better.
just try the website again. There is an address you can email if you still have problems. It seems like the syems s kind of hinky. I sometimes don't get certain alerts, and I sometimes get one for places nowhere near here.
I just spoke with an officer from the 1st district who indicated that there had been some arrests yesterday related to a carjacking in your area. I believe he said 3 suspects. I'm sure that will not solve our problems, but, hopefully it will help. We've had a lot of foot traffic and patrols on the south side of Maryland Near 13th. Cannot speak for H street. That's where you come in!
The area between F&H and 3rd&MD has been really active lately with carjackings, car thefts, muggings, etc. It's almost like someone organized all this criminal behavior to target the area. Someone knocked out another car window on my street this morning.
I do believe the camera at 3rd & H should help identify these assclowns:
Someone knocked out another car window on my street this morning.
And probably for a reason! Is there anything visible in the car other than the parts that comprise the car's interior? Does your car have a center console with a lid that closes/slides shut? Do you have suction cup markings on your windshield? Velcro strips on your dashboard?
I'm a little slow so please be patient while I get this straight, anonymous. So if I remove my gps and the little suction cup thingee from my window, I'm somehow at fault if some a$$wipe decides to kick in my window looking for the gps which is clearly no longer there because the cup left residue? And I suppose I'm an even bigger dumb a$$ if I happen to have a car with a center console, which the thief will, understandably I take it, believe the gps has been hidden in. Is that right??
In Near Northeast you: (a) remove everything from your car; (b) remove cradle residue from your windshield; (c) leave all consoles empty and open; and (d) get yourself a car alarm (which will deter some thieves). Residents living in high theft hot spots might consider: (e) getting a removable car battery and (f) leaving the doors unlocked.
That's a bit further then I sense most people take it. It is certainly, however, a good idea to remove GPS units, and that appears to be of even minimal value. No matter how far you take it there is never a 100% guarantee that someone will not break-into/steal stuff from your car. If you drive a soft-top jeep you should probably leave it unlocked because those replacement tops are not cheap. But I also know someone who drove one and always left the doors unlocked for just that reason. Once the top was slashed by someone breaking in who just never checked the door.
Years ago I drove an old VW bug with one car door that didn't lock. Someone broke in an stole half an open bottle of mouthwash. I've also heard about someone in DC having gas siphoned out of his tank (it was a hybrid car!).You just never know.
And then, there's the people who bust out your car windows just for the heck of it, just as vandalism, as it seems happened to me.
When I lived in Adams Morgan, someone busted my quarter-light window, and ransacked my glove compartment--leaving my sunglasses and some CDs.
They also popped the trunk, but neglected to steal a set of wrenches.
Strangely, I felt a bit insulted.
same thing happened to me 2 years ago. They busted my window to see what I had inside. They didn't take anything. left my sunglasses and cd's alone. Luckily they overlooked my $800 golf clubs in the trunk. Though i had an alarm so they may have been uncomfortable staying long enough to see everything I had in the car.
It blows my mind that DC continues to resist allowing law-abiding citizens to have working firearms in their homes - or God forbid, actually carry them for self protection. If the cops can't patrol the area maybe the idea that someone might be pointing something back at these thugs would provide a little deterrent.
yeah, that's what DC needs...more guns...what are you going to do, get in a shootout with a mugger? that will keep the streets safe and free of stray bullets. not.
As for the group of young black males, I encountered them last week on the corner of 4th and G NE. I was walking home from Union Station, bags in both arms. As I passed on the south side of the street, they were standing on the north side and I heard one of them say "there, that one - get the white guy" as he pointed to me.
I kept walking, and a second later I heard someone running up behind me. I immediately turned, dropped my bags, and stared the kid in the eye and said "WHAT!?" - he had his hand in his pocket, and looked totally shocked that I had turned to face him down. I mumbled for a minute, said "give me your... umm... give me a cigarette". The kid totally lost his nerve. I picked up my stuff as soon as the kid went back to his friends, started walking home, and called the police. They were on the scene pretty quick.
Call it in every time, and remember we live in a city. If you look like an easy target (zoned out on your phone / ipod, hands full of stuff, etc.), you'll become a target. But if you're assertive and you make it clear you've seen their face, you know what they're doing, and you just might put up a fight, they'll almost always back down...
"But if you're assertive and you make it clear you've seen their face, you know what they're doing, and you just might put up a fight, they'll almost always back down..."
Unless of course you come across the one kid who seriously has nothing to lose...
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