Photo courtesy of B. K. Adams
The post reports on the efforts of B. K. Adams. Adams has installed a new work called "The Bridge of Leadership" in the 300 block of H Street. He previously had another piece installed on the site called "I Am Talking to My God" that consisted of a pole, and a highchair painted bright blue and suspended high above the ground.
We need more folks like Mr. Adams and Mr. Cummings in the neighborhood. I've had the chance to meet both, and it really is refreshing to see people just do what they believe in, society be damned.
My many visits to Sidamo on Saturday mornings,I always see Mr.Adams there having is morning cup of Joe,Great piece.
This is off thread.....With all the construction going on in NOMA,I have discovered that I have mice.Does anybody know of a resonable exterminator ?
Is there information on establishing a dog park....I am interested in staeting one for the neighborhood,South of H street.
Where are NOMA and SOFLO and CAP HILL and CAP Valley and No CAP HILL? Makes me think these people are realtors trying to upsell the neighborhood. When I moved to H st NE it as just that; now all of the sudden I live in Capitol Hill.
Anon 12:00pm -- there's already one going in south of H Street, at the Kingman Field area. For more info, check the Hill Hounds website.
Anon 11:43
I know one. His name is Dr. Katz and eats mice for breakfast.
since some one brought it up i'll continue. several months ago, the business owners were told by the council and various construction companies that the construction and accompanying barriers would happen in three block units. right now, i believe it's an elevne block unit. we were also told equipment would be staged at the rfk lots, that also does not seem to be the case, i don't want to be whiny so i was wondering if mickie could use his expeditors and third party reviewers to help us . you think the lawn furniture on the street was bad, parking is going to be a huge problem for locals and visitors alike.
the pug
i almost put chairs in the parking space in front of my house for the first time today. the snow made the limited parking really tight as of late. luckily, much of it has either thawed or been shoveled by people who got sick of it lying around (only a few patches remain on my block...i shoveled one myself).
i hear there are plans afoot to make one side of several residential blocks ward 6 only. that ought to help, methinks. seems to work near that target on 14th.
anyone have experience living in a hood with residential parking only on one side of the block?
Also off thread, sorry, but is there somewhere on H besides Taylors that's open for lunch? I'd like to take some co-workers to H and would like to provided options.
Sticky Rice is open, and so is the Capital City Diner.
Loved it when the Argonault was ope for lunch during the snow storm. discusses the new PHO place on 608 h street...
H St NW.
Right, Chinatown. But Toki Underground is still plugging away.
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