Great News! Ethiopic will have a (reservation only) soft opening on Monday March 15th from 5 pm to 10 pm. If you are interested in being our first few guests please email us back to make a reservation. Please include number of parties and time. Looking forward in providing you a great service and food!
For now they are only doing this tomorrow, and not yet announcing an opening date (but it will be soon). I'll post more info as it becomes available.
Send reservation requests to: The place looks nice, as does the menu. This soft opening is PUBLIC, but you must still make a reservation.
Looks great. I can't wait to try it.
i could see partly into this place while the x2 was making its way east one evening and the lights were on inside. it looked great then, but i can get a much better look with your photos versus peering thru a window as a bus passes (lol).
west side of the corridor is coming along well. hope that project at 3rd and H locks in its grocery tenant and breaks ground soon
Sorry, but what's the address again?
The address is 401 H Street (listed on the website that I linked to).
This looks great. Can't wait until they have some outdoor seating as well!
SO EXCITED for Ethiopic to open! The interior and ambiance are beautiful, a real step up on the DC Ethiopian restaurant scene
yyES Ethiopian on H St!!!
Very excited. If it's as good as Etete, I would be really jazzed.
All I have to say is thank GOD we thwarted Anthony Cornish's efforts to open up a "sophisticated, upscale restaurant" in that space. Now hopefully Howard Mabry can be a halfway decent property owner and pay his tax bills on time...
looks nice, will they have tiger cubs?
Finally an Ethiopian restaurant in NE DC! I can stop spending so much gas money driving to 9th St, Maryland and VA!
I'm excited too. I hope they will serve lamb Zilbo so that I dont have to go all the way over to Adams Morgan to order it from Meskerem!
i went to their booth at the h street festival, the food was DELICIOUS (and free, unlike basically every other booth there) and the owners were really nice! had a look in the window last week, can't believe what they did with the space it looks great. bar+ethiopian food+walking distnace from home! this may just end up my new fave haunt
I just got back from Ethiopic. I sent in an E-mail request late today but never heard back. SO I thought I would try my luck with a pop in. Unfortunately, they were booked up. So that is the bad news.
The good news, is the place was pretty full, with a good looking crowd, the hostess was super friendly, and she said things were coming along nicely.
For those of you who also got shut out tonight, she said that they are now open full time. Though for the next two weeks they are operating with a reservations only policy till things get up to speed. After that you can start to walk in.
Great addition for my end of H Street.
I had dinner there with a friend tonight and the food was great. We ordered the lentil salad and the meat sampler. The lentil salad was very full of flavor, and the meat sampler actually came with three salads. The sampler was very good, and I'm eager to check out some other dishes next time. They are also serving a bread with oil and what tasted like berber mixed with something else before the meal. That was tasty and unexpected.
Just got back from dinner, had the enormous vegetarian sampler and the signature tibs ( a wee bit overcooked) and honey wine, everything was fantastic. The owner introduced himself and seemed very gracious and excited for our business. Our wait staff was also very friendly. We will definitely return soon!
Oh man-Ethiopian so close. When I was 9 months pregnant, I called in orders to Dukem, paid with a credit card, adn double-parked to go in and pick it up quickly. With the second kid, that was hard to do with the toddler in tow. Cravings for Ethiopian have not lessened much!
This used to be problem with H-street. Now we have a self-confessed double parker. I feel guilty double parking even on a residential block let alone a busy street. I have never understood people who double park. It's the most incosiderate behavior. It will not hurt you to walk a block or so, pregnant or not. People brazenly double parked on H-street before construction when the sign clearly said do not even park between 4-630 pm. It's like the street belonged to them and rest of the taxpayers didn't matter.
Oh, give it a rest. I've never double-parked before or after the past-9-months-supposed-to-be-on-bed-rest-because-blood-pressure- would-shoot-up. I shouldn't have gone at all and wouldn't have if Ethiopian food anywhere woudl have delivered to the HIll or was closer that I coudl get someone to go. If I had to go in and pay for the food or wait, I wouldn't have double-parked and even now, with 2 20+ lb toddlers I would just walk the distance (or not go at all, as is more frequently the case).
But there--there is my confession of shameful and sinful behavior for the day. I hope that is the worst thing to be written on the tombstone--Rude and Inconsiderate Double Parker One Thursday Afternoon in June, 2007.
Wow, has the commentators on this blog gone to a new low.....bitching about a pregnant women double parking for 2 minutes. Keep it classy H st.
I agree K street. As a former Pregger, Sameena has my full support. My guess is that No Double Parking is either male or has never been preggers. Those hunger urges arent anything to play with!
We ate at Ehtiopic last night and we are so excited to (1) have more choices on the west end and (2) that one of those choices is Ethiopian food!
Is it Etete? Not quite. But it is really good and close to home. Also, it was the very first night so I'm sure there will be a few tweeks here and there. Overall, it is a fabulous addition to H Street! Welcome Ethiopic!
(And I ate at/from Etete multiple times a week for several months of my pregnancy so I understand the preggers Ethiopian food connection.)
riiiight guys...enough re parking back to the food! ate at Ethiopic last night -- ordered a sampler platter for two and we were completely stuffed! the food was delicious, incredibly flavorful and really fresh ingredients. delicious lentils adn doro wot, a chickpea puree with green peppers that i had never tasted before and absolutley loved. or even the tomatoes, at Dukem they are always just kind of there but at Ethiopic they actually tasted like tomatoes! the owners both came by to say hello, they were very welcoming, gracious and clearly excited to see everyone/be open! our server also brought us a refill of the awesome homemade bread with piquant ethiopian dipping sauce we wolfed down within like 2mins of sitting down...definitely going back to this place.
Ate there last night, I had the nibs and friend had vegetable platter. It all rocked. Nice place, nice people.
Don't care who you are or what your condition - DO NOT EVER DOUBLE PARK ON H ST.! It is rude, inconsiderate, and illegal. I wish you had been towed. Makes me furious. I appreciate your confession Samenna. I fogive you but can't speak for the bus driver.
With that said, can't wait to try the new place. I will either walk, look for a parking place, have a friend drop me off and circle the block, or wait until they deliver. Please, never double park on H!
Reservations only for the 1st couple of weeks is a brilliant way to stave off the bum-rush and bitch cycle that most of the new places around here have had to go through in the first days.
Good luck guys! Can't wait to get in for a bite.
We had dinner there on Tuesday and were extremely pleased with decor and food (my partner lived in Ethopia). It is great to have this new restaurant in our neighborhood.
Re: Parking (sorry)
So, one pregnant woman double parks "for just a couple of minutes" and who knows how many pregnant women or sick people or old people (or ambulances) end up stuck in lined-up traffic because of it. Easing your inconveniences like this with no regard for who else will be inconvenienced is just plain rude and inconsiderate, whether you are pregnant or have some other excuse. There are always other less inconsiderate options, but unfortunately some people are too lazy or unconcerned with others to explore them.
Why would any cars be lined-up behind?
There are 6 billion people in the world. Roughly half are women. Roughly half of them at some point in life are going to get pregnant. That's about 1.5 billion pregnant women. If all of them double park were are going to have some major traffic jam!!
Amen Poomatician. And not only is it rude, inconsiderate, and illegal, it's also dangerous to you, your pregnancy, your child AND the drivers that have to suddenly change lanes, into moving traffic, to get around you because you have just blocked a lane of traffic!
This is an example of how Frozen Tropics can serve as a legitimate community service. Shame ALL H St. double parkers into hopefully never doing it again. It's inexcusable for anyone - even (especially) pregnant women.
I agree....the thread that mentioned a great idea for the resturant to do reservations only for the first couple of weeks also I stop by there the other night just to take a peek inside (very nice...looking forward to dinning there.
My Gut told me, it will be one of the best resturant in washington dc location ...i can't wait to go there...
I love the idiots here screaming at other posters not to double-park on H Street; reading comprehension is obviously not their strong suit. Dukem is not, and has never been, on H Street. No one here has said that they've double-parked on H. But by all means, keep screaming at the top of your lungs about something that nobody said.
Double Parking on H Street happened all the time before the construction ruined double parking for everyone. My favorite is when someone double parks 2 feet from a driveway or side street they could have pulled into, or, even better, when they do it right in front of an open parking spot. Ahhhh, H Street, you sexy siren song of a street...
I don't know about you but I just don't have the balls to double park on any major streets. You never know which crazy guy you may piss off. However, I have seen people on H-street very contently double park while still in their car. When you drive by they have this blank expression while staring into nothingness on their faces as if no body around exists. It's just hilarious.
wow ok no idea why people are yelling about parking when they should be yelling about eating! Ethiopic totally surpassed my expectations, from the gorgeous decor and delicious smells that hit me when i walked in I thought it would be good, but it seriously rocked my world. Suuuch good food, really nice ambiance and the owners were just, well really nice. A very welcome addition to the area, I will be back often!!
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