Friday, September 14, 2012

Jair Lynch Purchases 501 H Street

The plot thickens as Jair Lynch, who already owns the south side of the 600 block of H Street, has now acquired 501 H Street. As noted in the tweet below, 501 H Street is the headquarters of the H Street Community Development Corporation ("H Street CDC").

Back in March Housing Complex discussed possible plans by the H Street CDC to expand its squat one story headquarters to a much grander five story 29,440 sqft structure with affordable housing (rendering accompanies the article).


Anonymous said...

What plot just thickened? Not being snarky -- I just don't understand. Is there a backstory here to which this applies?

Anonymous said...

i think Inked was just making a joke. jair lynch owns an even bigger chuck of h street now now. so in turn, the plot thickens, and he is an even bigger swagger jacker than he was before.

inked said...

Yeah, that was just my way of saying things were getting more interesting. We've introduced a new character to the redevelopment story of 501 H Street. This change in ownership could speed up development of that parcel, and it absolutely gives Jair Lynch a bigger share on H Street generally(increasing the developer's sway there as well).