Thursday, January 27, 2005

Time to Recycle Those Recycling Bins?

DCist drew my attention to an announcement by DC's Department of Public Works that the District is going city wide with a new recycling program that will replace those awful bins with spiffy blue mini super cans. As DPW puts it:
The new program will also introduce more residents to single stream recycling, which means that all recyclables will go into the same container. Once the blue carts have been delivered, customers will no longer have to keep paper and other recyclables separated, nor will they have to lift heavy bins.
I look forward to the blue container as I sense it means the end of searching my alley (post collection) for the bin with address (I have actually found it as far as 1/3 of a block away). Anyway, three cheers for the new cans, and I'd like to propose a promotional slogan: "New Recycling Cans...little, blue, different."

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