Just in time for the opening of the Joy of Motion dance studios The Atlas has removed the outer fences that forced you to cross over to the north side of the street. H Street is finally shaping up. But someone should probably still do something about the caution tape in that tree.
What a difference!!!It is really looking great during day and even better at night. It looks like they have refurbished or replaced the Atlas sign. I can't wait to see it turned on. Wonder how long it will take to replace or fix the awning part.
I haven't seen it at night yet. I had heard that certain parties were trying to convince them to keep their lights on at night. It sounds from your comment like something is being lit up. I'll have to check it out some night (maybe then I'll be able to get a good shot of the R&B sign minus all the glare).
You should get a picture of the 50% off of all clothing sign in the Salvation Army store window.
I heard that they are going stop recieving clothing donations. That should help clean up the block. It will be a loss though for low income people, and those of us who like used clothing.
Neither of the thrift stores on H Street is that great for clothing anyway (I once tried to buy parts of my Halloween costume at each one), because you can't try anything on. They need dressing rooms. That Salvation army store is really overcrowded with merchandise. Maybe they will spread out a bit with the clothing gone. The stuff getting dumped is not stuff anyone would actually try to donate. This is illegal dumping plain simple (unsalvagable stuff that belongs in the trash).
The H Street thrift shops do need dressing rooms, but I think the selection varies if you're a guy vs. a woman. I've gotten plenty of clothes at these places over the years, although Maryland (Value Village, Purple Heart) offers better opportunities.
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