Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Pit Bulls in DC

I checked the blog In Shaw today and found the second report I have seen in the past 48 hours of unleashed (one seems to have been free roaming) pitbulls attacking people or dogs. The first report came from a listserve and described an incident at 16th & A NE (In Shaw's incident was at 4th & R NW). As I have mentioned before, Council Member Jim Graham has introduced a bill to ban the breed in the District. Although he has introduced similar legislation unsuccessfully in the past, this time may well be different simply because Sandy Allen (a major opponent of such legislation) no longer sits on the Council. Here is my old post on the topic (contains links to articles from The Post and The Slate). Here is the actual bill Council Member Graham introduced.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not recall seeing a documented case, but a friend of mine was held up by a guy using a pit bull. He insists that it is fairly common in the afro-american community. This happened in the Hilleast area.