Sunday, January 22, 2006

Madonna Statue Vandalized Again

The Madonna at Holy Name Catholic Church (900 block of 11th Street) has been vandalized for the second time in just a few months (in October somone smashed her face & crushed her right hand).
This time, her face was untouched, but her right hand was crushed again & her left hand is completely gone.
This is what her face looks like after the repair job following the first incident of vandalism.
Here's what the statue looked like prior to the two attacks.
Madonna-Holy Name Daytime


Anonymous said...

what kind of knucklehead does stuff like this?

Have you noticed the faux borf griffitti around the arg?

inked said...

I have not seen the borf suff over there, but I have seen it elsewhere on H Street. For me, messing with a church, or some's religious symbols is much worse. I'm not religious, but I think this clearly crosses a line.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it is worse.
I was just thinking about the perverse need to smear and deface other people's property. It's kind of like a dog marking territory. I know some people think the borf stuff is cute but I think barf when I see it.

Sean Hennessey said...

seems to me that messing with anyones Saints or symbols of divinity is going to haunt you.

bad idea.

Anonymous said...

What goes around comes around. Whoever did that will be judged. And I'll be laughing when it happens.