Monday, January 23, 2006

Progress on the Corner of Montello & Morse

This is the primer they've got up. The final colors will be beige, darker beige, red, & purple. The upstairs of this long vacant building is set to be an apartment, & a daycare is supposed to occupy the first floor.


Richard Layman said...

I always that this spot would have been a great location for the "H Street" Food Coop. Less rent than on H Street. Good corner access. Visible. Nice building. Close to H Street.

inked said...

Maybe you should talk to them Richard, the day care isn't in there yet. It seems a bit odd to me to put in a day care on a street as busy as Florida (which has traffic traveling at higher speeds than H Street).

Richard Layman said...

I did. When the idea first came up. That was maybe two years ago now, or close to it. It was back in my HSMS days.

Anonymous said...

From the picture the building looks rather small. We are looking to open the food coop in a place that's at least 6000 sq/ft. Any ideas on the sq/ft of this building?