Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Abdo with Crane

3rd & H Street.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when construction on Senate Square is supposed to be completed? I drive past it almost everyday, and I don't sense that much progress has been made lately. I realize there are things being done that I can't see from the street, but if anyone knows about the actual state of affairs at the site I'd be very interested.

Anonymous said...

Well they put up a second crane recently. I suspect they will build up the concrete very quickly. The condos at Mount Vernon Place went from one level to five in a week so it wouldn't surprise me to see similar progress once they start. The fact that there are now two cranes make me think that they may build both buildings at once.

Anonymous said...

I live 1/2 block north of the site, so I see it pretty much everyday.

I've heard that the completion date will be November 2006--though I expect that it will be more like March 2007. They're also putting up internal walls & stairs now in the historic building.

They've been pouring concrete in the parking area for about a week now, maybe more. I'm guessing that this is the part of the concrete work that takes the longest. I'm guessing that the above-ground stuff will progress pretty quickly.

Anonymous said...

Hello. We represent the two high rise towers for Senate Square. We are currently pouring the concrete for the parking structure (total of 4 levels) and hope to reach grade by April. We are hoping to have deliveries for the Concord in the first quarter of 2007 with the Lexington following after. Both high rise towers will come up at the same time. If you have any questions or need anything give us a call at 202.326.0777 or visit the website at