Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Post: Developers & DC Deal on Properties

Also of interest in this Post article on DC & Developers looking at possible disposal of surplus DC properties in exchange for libraries, schools & money. Consider the recent meeting about building a new library, retail, & housing on the site of H Street's modular R. l. Christian library.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Although I think there are a large number of issues that still have to be dealt with (inventory of DC excess buildings, survey of school capacity needs, preservation of the historic buildings, ensuring market-rate sales, etc.)--ultimately it is a good thing that the District is looking to consolidate schools and dispose of excess properties.

There are a number of recent examples of thoughtful and respectful restoration / redevelopment of historic school structures no longer needed for their original purpose--Bryan School, Pierce School, etc.

The District really needs to get their ducks in a row on this, though. Underutilization of school facilities requires alot of work to determine which structures to retain--but ultimately, we should be spending our (hopefully coming) school renovation money wisely--in part by only renovating those schools that are needed to meet current and future needs.