WHAT: Police Service Area (PSA) 102 monthly meeting
WHEN: Feb. 14 (2nd Tuesday of each month)
TIME: 7-8:30 p.m.
WHERE: Sherwood Recreation Center, 640 10th St NE
Please tell your friends and neighbors. And bring your Valentine to this month's meeting! Candy will be provided!
* Meet new PSA 102 Lt. Sharon Mcinnis and Capt. Jeff Brown.
* Learn about H Street foot patrols (current day shift and newly established night patrol).
* Review crime statistics and trends.
* Identify problem areas in PSA 102 which citizens can remedy through the Partnership for Problem Solving (PPS) process.
BOUNDRIES of PSA 102 are (clockwise) the railroad tracks at Union Station, Florida Avenue NE, Maryland Avenue NE, 9th Street, East Capitol Street, 2nd Street, Massachusetts Avenue, and Columbus Circle.
BE INFORMED about PSA 102 by joining the NELink listserv. (NELink recently was moved to Google groups from Yahoo, so please re-join):
MORE INFORMATION about the First District and its seven PSAs is available at the
Metropolitan Police Department website.
QUESTIONS can be answered by PSA 102 Citizen Coordinators:
Marc Lesnick: 202-543-3736 (marc_lesnick@yahoo.com)
David Klavitter: 202-547-5745 (a klav@questforquiet.org)
Alphonso C. Coles, MPD Community Outreach Coordinator: 202-497-5033
This map is way wrong. You have a huge chunk of PSA 103 in it.
correction, it's just a bad map. The map is correct, it is just difficult to read those dashed lines and the tad darker gold. Lets call it a misleading map.
The map is a rectangular extraction from the MPD First District's map, found here on the web.
Using words, the boundries of PSA 102 are (clockwise) the railroad tracks at Union Station, Florida Avenue NE, Maryland Avenue NE, 9th Street, East Capitol Street, 2nd Street, Massachusetts Avenue, and Columbus Circle.
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