Monday, February 20, 2006

VOH: Illegal Mechanics=Big Costs for Autozone

Frustrated neighbors have long complained about Autozone's willingness to look the other way when unlicensed mechanics repair cars in its parking lot. Now, ANC6A has convinced city agencies to target Autozone more agressively in order to force compliance with existing laws. Check out the Voice of the Hill article here.


Anonymous said...

This is good news. Hopefully the city will do it's job and the neighbors won't have to put up with this nonsense any more.

But the thing that bugs me is the CDC. This is their land -- and it's one of several really bad developments they've put on that corridor. What about some kind of direct action against THEM?! A couple of picket lines in front of the H Street CDC storefront and we might start getting some results!

Anonymous said...

So what is stopping you from picketing the CDC?

Anonymous said...

What n hell is CDC?