Monday, March 20, 2006

Different Generations, But Both Are Empty

Wheatley Elementary from the back (1200 block of Neal Street).


Richard Layman said...

I didn't realize that Wheatley Elem. is closed. In any case, the planning for the school system is suspect. However, I would rather kids go to school in mostly historic buildings like Wheatley (appropriately rehabbed) than the 1950s/1960s junky buildings like Webb School on Mt. Olivet Road. That site is better utilized for redevelopment purposes anyway.

Anonymous said...

Which will be cheaper to rehab and bring up to modern specifications?

inked said...

Webb was in use just a few years back, so it isn't as if it's 50 years out of date. I've been inside Webb, but I don't know what it inside Wheatley. I'm guessing that you would find asbestos, and all kinds of nasty stuff. Wheatley is a beautiful building from the outside.