Thursday, June 08, 2006

Express Free Ride Prints Preachers' Rebuttal

Check it out here.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that anyone involed with the ISUPK would have the nerve to call anyone else a racist as James Hennry did David Klavitter. Hello Pot, it's kettle.

Klav said...

Protection from excessive noise. That is all the residents of H and 8th Street NE ask.

Based on comments to yesterday's Express Free Ride interview with the ISUPK's Virginia-based James Henry, it is obvious that people in the neighborhood--and beyond--are concerned and care about the issue.

I also was heartened by peoples' consideration for each other--an example of the kind of community that makes this world just a little bit better.

The comments not only defended the neighborhood's right to peace and quiet, but also Mr. Henry's right to speak.

We hope the D.C. city council can hear us. Are they listening?