Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Who Am I?

Can you identify the H Street business that lives here?


Anonymous said...

that old furniture place?

Anonymous said...

Will Power

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Will Power.....I wanted to join a gym and I wanted to support a business on Hst. When I went to Will Power and I was suprised that they had only one tread mill for the entire building and the free weights were located in the basement that reminded me of a dungeon. Their monthly fee seems expensive for what they are offering.

inked said...

Try again. It isn't Will Power.

Anonymous said...

Rose's? As for Will Power, they promised to have 3-4 treadmills by last March. I don't think they raised enough capital to do so because its generally pretty empty. As a result, the 1 treadmill is usually wide open.

inked said...

No, not Rose's Dream either.

Anonymous said...

Crown Fried Chicken?

inked said...

We have a winner.

Anonymous said...

i work out at will power too. you will almost NEVER have to wait for a machine. i don't think there's any type of contract, so join for a month and give it a try. there are plenty of stationery bikes and the class schedule is interesting.