Monday, June 12, 2006

WP: Yoga in Gentrifying Areas

The Post has this piece on yoga in gentrifying/gentrified areas of DC. The article specifically references the new hot yoga studio (Bikram Capitol Hill) moving to the 400 block of H Street (the spot previously occupied by Luna Laundromat).


Anonymous said...

In the last week or so, Ha Hu grocery at 15th/H/Maryland has been repainted, including the "abandoned" side that faces the Pentacle apartments. The windows are still boarded up, but for a building that is an incredible eyesore, this feels like progress.

Anyone know what's going on?

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the 15/Maryland site, but I've had the same wonders about the building next to the tire place at 4th and Florida (across from the market) The construction is going gangbusters and it's looking pretty good. Anybody have any idea what's going in there? I keep meaning to walk by and ask the foreman, but I haven't gotten a chance.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice the posting on the building at 9th and H next to the DLR?

It looks like it is actually for ANOTHER liquor store.

How does this get approved? I thought there was a plan for H Street?

inked said...

It's likely a notice of an application for a license. They'll still have to have a hearing

HomeImprovementNinja said...

Does this mean if I open a Yoga Studio in COlumbia Heights that my property values will increase?

Anonymous said...

Ms. Greathouse is a fake yogini. She lied, under oath, in order to remove a neighborhood resident from her “new” home. In yogic philosophy, Satya, being truthful is part of a yogi’s personal development. Ms. Greathouse’s studio should be avoided.

Anonymous said...

Bikram Yoga Capitol Hill is having a huge grand opening party on June 24th at 7:30 pm.

Bikram Yoga Capiol Hill

Anonymous said...

-Anonymous said...
"Ms. Greathouse is a fake yogini. She lied, under oath, in order to remove a neighborhood resident from her “new” home. Ms. Greathouse’s studio should be avoided."

- Do you have anything to back this up. YogaHouse is one of the great new Yoga studios in DC. I encourage anyone to take classes there. Hell, it might even relax you enough to accept a more diverse crowd showing up in the neighborhood.