Tuesday, August 08, 2006

3 Injured in Shooting Outside Florida Market Club

The shooting apparently followed a concert for teens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

here's where community policing becomes important. if you're patrolling and know your beat, you're going to *see* that a huge event is happening involving lots of young people, you're going to get out your car and ask "what's going on? when does this event let out?", then you're going to circle around and make sure the crowd disperses quickly and peacefully once the event is over. it's called keeping your eyes open and foreseeing possible problems/crowd control.

also, although youth probably only account for around 7-10% of the crime in the city, it's always heart wrenching to see young victims...as such, there really needs to be more youth leader/community police interaction so that ongoing disputes like this can be detected and kept at a low simmer...if the police were in touch with what was going on, they would already know of the potential of rival crews meeting up at this spot and would facilitate rapid crowd dispersal so that altercations like this couldn't escalate unmonitored/uncontrolled.