Flowers offered for sale by a vendor at the H Street Farmers Market.
Following a major turn over in local politics, we should be in for some interesting changes. Though ANC elections won't take place until November, it appears that many of the current commissioners surrounding H Street will likely keep their offices (judging by who registered & turned in sigs). On the other hand, the higher up leadership has changed completely with Fenty likely to get the Mayor's seat, Tommy Thomas Jr. taking over Ward 5, & Tommy Wells probably claiming the Ward 6 seat. What will all of this mean for Trinidad, H Street, & the Capital City Market?
Do we like Tommy Wells?
Is Rivera being re-elected?
Antony Rivera & Alan Kimber have both filed & returned sigs. I think Rivera would have an uphill battle on this one. I was primarily refering to ANC 6A commissioners (as those are the ones who most impact my immediate surroundings). There will also be a bit of shifting around on commissioners in Trinidad (but probably not much). In many cases only one person has filed the necessary papers (both in and outside of Trinidad). In some cases, no one has filed the papers. People can always run as write in candidates (and in some cases, I hope this happens as there are some commissioners, though probably not ones whose names you see much, who are either inactive, or, in my opinion, an active hinderance to the community).
I think the Ward 5 nominee is "Tommy" Thomas (not Thompson).
As for Rivera, here's a reminder of why he has an uphill battle getting re-elected.
Yeah, sorry. I was tired & I used to go to school with a Tommy Thompson, get the idea. But yeah, Harry Thomas Jr. Ok I messed up a name (a stupid mistake at that), but seriously, how could we forget Rivera's problem?
Also, Tommy Thompson =a govenor from Wisconsin & Sec. of Dept. Health & Human Services.
Tommy is a rare sight north or east of Eastern Market.
Not true - I once saw Tommy as far north as a restaurant on Massachusetts.
Hey now, I've definitely walked around the Capital City Market with Tommy Wells (snd that was north of Mass last time I checked). Don't you think you think you should at least be big enough to stick behind your comments. Annoymous attacks are really pretty lame guys.
I think we have been really fortunate to have some one as smart and level-headed as Sharon Ambrose all those years working for Ward 6.
That said, Tommy Wells might be just as good if not better. He's smart, responsive and creative.
Harry Thomas Jr. will be a very good politician as well. He was inspired to run for Ward Office after seeing the poor people get run over by Katrina in New Orleans. I think he will make many local residents very reassured that their local government is looking out for them.
I like Tommy Wells. I spent almost 8 years working with a tutoring program in SE along with Tommy Wells and his wife. Tommy was (and still is as far as I know) a great tutor and board member for that organization - FOTS. He is resourceful, smart and even kind. All great qualities for a council member in my book
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