Tuesday, October 24, 2006

NE Gateway Meeting Tonight!

Sorry for the late notice, but here are the details:

What: (from the Office of Planning website)
During the Fall of 2003, the Office of Planning launched a comprehensive community planning process to develop a revitalization strategy for Cluster 23 which was dubbed "The Northeast Gateway" by community participants. Over an 18-month period, an Advisory/Outreach Committee was established, the area boundaries were confirmed, five public meetings were held with an additional meeting held in Ivy City. The community identified key issues they wanted addressed. These issues helped to set the goals of the plan which include: improving the image of the area, protecting affordable housing, and increasing neighborhood amenities.
Four opportunity areas are discussed in the study, the DC Wholesale Market, Ivy City, the Destination Retail Triangle, and the Bladensburg Road Hechinger Mall Node.

When: 6:30-8pm
Where: Youth Services Center 1000 Mt. Olivet Road NE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did anyone attend this? I was unable to go, but would be curious to hear folks' comments....