Wednesday, November 08, 2006

VOH Highlights

-An updated version of the story on Betty Ayele, a member of the family that owns and runs the Ohio Restaurant (1380 H Street) who was tragically shot in Alexandia a few weeks ago.

-News on R&B Coffee (1359 H Street), which will reopen early next year under new ownership and the new name of Sova Wine and Espresso.

-News on some newly elected leadership in Ward 6 & on the School Board.

-More on a DHCD affordable housing project in Rosedale.


Anonymous said...

We were bummed to see the R&B sign gone this Sunday when walking by (on the way to Argonaut where there was no brunch but there was food and football). Those two in combination made me worry about the economics of the places on H St.

inked said...

I wouldn't worry too much. Things are still just a bit transitional, is all. R&B IS going to reopen, just with a new name. We'll just have to be coffee less for a few more months. Unfortunate, not to have an pen coffee shop, but I expect we'll see reliable hours, and a strong offering when it does reopen.