Friday, November 03, 2006

WP: High Energy Campaigns in Ward 6

The Post has a story on the Will Cobb
Tommmy Wells
Tony Williams


Anonymous said...

The link to the article. (:

Anonymous said...

As if you needed another reason NOT to vote for Tony Williams, it's right there in print and this is the response I posted on And for the record, I am a true Will Cobb supporter.

My post to the Washington Post: Are you kidding me? I have met Tony Williams and I am a single Black mom and he has absolutely no connection to what is truely happening in Ward 6 or anywhere in this city. I am truely angry and irate that he has the nerve to try to play up his being Black as being the reason someone should vote for him. This is the same Black man that assumed the median income for the Ward 6 family was $80,000 a year....because that was what it was across DC. This is the same Black man who said just last night on Washington Post radio that there were 3 High Schools in Ward 6 and couldn't name any schools he had visited in Ward 6 (there is only 1 high school in Ward 6 just so he might know for the future). I am so sick of Black people running back to our Black community when they want something when they are completely out of touch with what is happening in our community. Plus, since when has a person's race made them qualified to be in office? Tony Williams is unqualified and has done a complete disservice to the Black community by handing out that literature.

-Manda Kelley - Ward 6 Resident

Anonymous said...

Williams looks to me like nothing more than a tool of the worst the GOP has to offer. His campaign headquarters are in a building owned by Armstrong Williams, and his website touts an endorsement from Grover Norquist.

Right -- the same Grover Norquist who famously compared the estate tax to the Holocaust, and who has said that he wants to shrink government down to a size where he can drown it in the bathtub.

Let me be the first to call for giving Williams's candidacy what Dick Cheney might call "a dunk in the water."