Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Slightly Off Topic

Here's a story about Rochester (NY) & the role of the deaf community there. I found it interesting, and I thought it might be of interest here when considering the level of interplay between the Gallaudet community and the rest of the neighborhood.


Anonymous said...

My brother goes to RIT, and he just started his second quarter there. He thinks it's weird now not to have captions to movies or to see people walking around signing to each other. He was even surprised that he didn't see it at all when he visited me (considering I live a block from Gallaudet), but it was Thanksgiving weekend, so the streets were pretty deserted anyway.

I've passed the article along to my family. Thanks for the heads up!

Richard Layman said...

It's all about agglomeration (something I've been meaning to write about again in another context). In Rochester, according to the article, deaf people make up more than 10% of the population.

Too bad that, speaking of agglomeration, they didn't put the technical institute of the deaf at Gallaudet...

xlpharmacy said...

I considerer that sign language is important because you will never know when you will need to use it, there's a restaurant for blind people in florida and everything is in darkness because in this way people can see the world as a blind person.