Tuesday, January 02, 2007

WP: DC Homicide Rate Drops

The final numbers are in and they are around 15% lower than last year's. The article's got some other interesting figures (clearance rate and population shifts come to mind) that make it worth reading.


Anonymous said...

Did the murder rate in your SMD drop? How about your PSA? Trinidad? How about violent crimes within 1500 feet of your home?

just curious

inked said...

I haven't seen final numbers for any of these (only the total count for the city). Though the city will track the homicides by PSA, I'm pretty sure they don't do it by SMD (though you could just look at a map to figure that one out). Looking at a radius is probably going to give you the most accurate picture because both the PSA & Trinidad end at Florida, but H Street's impact obviously reaches this far.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:57 makes a good point I did crime maps a few days ago and it wasn't very encouraging. Assaults including ADW were up significantly year over year in my area and PSA. As were robberies and robberies with guns. Car thefts/break ins were slightly down. And i've always felt homicide stats on their own were sort of a non starter, too many variables with that number. There have been several non fatal shootings in my immediate neighborhood in the past month including 4 in the past 2 weeks that appear to be retaliation to a previous killing (the one behind pinnacle) and 2 that appear to be robberies gone bad. Had the suspects been better shots and the victims died we would have had at least 6 more deaths to add to the stats. If you want to rely on statistics, then I really think ADW and robbery are probably much better indicators of safety in the district -- both of which I believe rose this year citywide.