Monday, March 26, 2007

Shots From the New Trinidad Rec

Located at 1380 Childress.


Anonymous said...

Impressive - who can use it? Just kids?

- Bill L.

inked said...

No, I think anyone can use it. You may need to register and abide by the set schedule, but this is for the whole community. They have a youth lounge, and a seniors room, but I think this thing is open to the whole community. They have a gym, a weight room, a dance studio, and they hope to have a swimming pool (supposed to be in the 2008 budget). Get the number from DPR (probably on the website). Call 727-1000 if you can't find the number. Community centers also allow community members to teach classes if that is of interest. Joe Cole once had a young men's boxing course. When I toured the Trinidad rec I was with a friend and we remarked on the fact that even a fee based co-ed boxing class might be very successful (the ones downtown do very well).

Anonymous said...

Strange. Why does the indoor soccer court have so many basketball boards hanging on all the sides?

Seems like a waste of money to me.