Residents on the April 19th community walk. Photo by David Klavitter (all rights reserved)
The PSA 102 boundaries are (clockwise) the railroad tracks at Union Station, Florida Ave NE, Maryland Ave NE, 9th St, East Capitol St, 2nd St, Massachusetts Ave, and Columbus Circle.
WHAT: Police Service Area (PSA) 102 monthly meeting
WHEN: May 8 (2nd Tuesday of each month)
TIME: 7-8:30 p.m.
WHERE: Sherwood Recreation Center, 640 10th St NE
* Welcome and agenda overview; greetings [5 minutes]
* Review April crime statistics [10 minutes]
* Community walk on April 19; Checkers business response [5 minutes]
* Update on April 23 hit-and-run death of Crysta Spencer; traffic calming
response [10 minutes]
* Incidents near 10th and H St NE [5 minutes]
* Dr. Richard Lytle, special assistant to the president of Gallaudet University will address the school's recently changed policy for off-campus student behavior. [15 minutes]
* Determine additional locations, dates and volunteers for flyer distribution [5 minutes]
* Citizen Police Academy Update [5 minutes]
* Break into neighborhood groups to address specific issues through Partnership for Problem solving; MPD officers and coordinator will help rotate to guide discussions, make plan. Meet with officers. [30 minutes]
**** PSA 102 meetings enable residents and police to discuss, identify and take action against crime and other quality of life issues in the community. The meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at the Sherwood Recreation Center, 10th and G Streets NE. 7-8:30 p.m. Tell your friends and neighbors! ****
FOR INFORMATION ABOUT PSA 102, photos, crime maps and more go
David Klavitter
Volunteer PSA 102 Citizen Coordinator
Lt. Barbara Hawkins
Metropolitan Police Dept.
I am extremely heartened by the increasing amount of involvement in the H St. area. We still have a ways to go as far as the seeing the majority of residents take personal responsibility and actually treat the neighborhood as a nice place to live. I saw this article in the Post: "Obama Reaches Out With Tough Love" and thought it really hit home as far as some of the behavior I have witnessed in my 18 months in the H St. corridor.
"In Chicago, sometimes when I talk to the black chambers of commerce, I say, 'You know what would be a good economic development plan for our community would be if we make sure folks weren't throwing their garbage out of their cars,' " Obama told a group of black state legislators in a speech in South Carolina last month.
Thanks for letting me post my thoughts.
-6th St. Resident
Unfortunately, I won't be able to make the PSA 102 meeting due to a conflict with another meeting.
I wanted to let folks know that I reached out to Tommy Wells' office to set up a similar walk through for my SMD (straddles H Street, 2nd-8th between F & K Street NE).
We're still working out the details, but the walk through will probably be around mid-June on a weekday evening. We will also have Commander Groomes (MPD) and possibly representatives of DCRA and DPW.
I'll keep everyone posted as the details are finalized.
Alan Kimber
Commissioner, ANC 6C05
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