Thursday, June 07, 2007

Bikram Yoga Anniversary Special

Bikram Yoga Capitol Hill (410 H Street)is celebrating its one year anniversary by selling 1 memberships for $999.

Yearly memberships will include:
Mat Cleaning
Mat Storage

Here is an example of a breakdown at the special rate of $999 for 1 year membership (or $83. per month):

If you practice: 2 x week: you pay: $10. per class

3 x week: you pay: $7. per class

5 x week: you pay: $4. per class


Anonymous said...

This is off topic but screw.

What is wrong with all the people on Hst NE that continually cross H street in the middle of the road (not in a crosswalk)? Some people seem to enjoy crossing in front of cars that have a green light.

Why can't police ticket this more? People argue that this is a bad waste of police time. I would argue that giving jay walking tickets would deter crime. If you can't get away with jay walkng on Hst why would you think you could get away with robbery or drunkiness?

Anonymous said...

uh.. beg to disagree.

this crap happens all over dc.

i go to work every day in front of union station.

the interns have no regard for lights.

i actually have to wait two or three lights sometimes, so that i don't run them over. sometimes, i'm late to work because of jaywalking kids.

if dc were to ticket every jay walker, they'd have no time for real crime.

you should see georgetown, if you ever leave your little hood.

it's even worse.

focus on the positive developments.

at least folks aren't jaywalking with as many guns as they were five years ago.

if you don't like it, ride a bike.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon. 10:16

What's with the little hostile quips?

"if you ever leave your little hood" and "if you don't like it..."

And what's with the spaces between comments?

Is it supposed to give us pause to think?

Grow up or leave...
(that's you right?)

Roy said...

Well, I'm going to post on topic.

I've been wanting to try yoga for some time now. This seems like a great deal. Does anybody here do yoga? How do you like it? I'm about the most non flexible person in the world and would like to change that.

And can people please at least use a pen name here? It's confusing to see anonymous all the time (that was off topic, my bad).

Anonymous said...

i'm not being hostile, you're being like, totally sensitive.

they have prescription drugs for that you know.

Anonymous said...

hey, roy.

i started doing yoga when i was 12.

it's actually very, very cool if you stick with it.

it's not a quick fix to not being limber, but if you keep at it, it's very beneficial in a lot of ways. yes, you will be limber. but yes, it takes some dedication and effort.

i'm a male in my 30s, and even though it seems to be a sudden fad, it really has been around a long time. anything that's been around that long has stood the test of time. it works.

give it a shot. if nothing else, you'll meet some of your cooler neighbors. :o) AND you're supporting a start up in your hood.

u really can't go wrong.

Alan Kimber, Commissioner, ANC 6c05 said...


I might give you a run for your money as far as who has less flexibility--and I was fine in the classes.

The classes are tremendous--and very challenging (about 5 years ago I was 3 hours a day in the gym several times a week--and it kicked my butt). You work to whatever your fitness/comfort level is, so anyone can do it--and the instructors are very helpful.

As a bonus, unlike a traditional workout, I was not very sore the day following (a benefit of the heat, I think).

I'm not affiliated with the studio--just spreading the word.

Alan Kimber
ANC Commissioner, 6C05

Anonymous said...

This picture most be old. They have a banner hanging up that says "Now Open". It has been there for about 6 months. So does the Tae Bo place. Why do store owners insist on keeping up cheap banners for such a long time? I know they want to increase visiblity, but enough already.

Anonymous said...

Bikram yoga is great... but I WAS sore, actually AM sore, and it took four classes to get beyond the heat and be able to get through class without feeling like I was going to pass out. Remember, its done in a 110degree room.

Regarding jaywalkers, they are a bigger problem to bikers than to cars - I can't tell you how many people have just stepped in front of my bike risking life and limb. My life and their limbs.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know how long this summer special lasts?