Friday, June 22, 2007

Disturb the Peace with Quest for Quiet

Here's info on the blog Quest for Quiet and its goal (for the unfamiliar). Here's their announcement:
WHEN: Sunday, June 24
TIME: 3-5 p.m.
PLACE: 18th Street NW, near Belmont and Kalorama Roads NW in the Adams Morgan neighborhood

OUR MESSAGE: Protect yourself from persistent amplified attacks.
SUPPORT D.C. NOISE BILL: "Noise Control Protection Amendment Act of 2007." We support freedom of speech AND the right to peace and quiet.
PURPOSE: A tiny band of H Street NE residents will demonstrate the absurdity of the city's broken noise law. It allows unlimited, amplified, non-commercial speech from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in any D.C. residential community-including Adams Morgan. There are no limits on loudness. CALL FOR ACTION: Protect yourself and your neighborhood from more amplified attacks. Please urge the D.C. city council to balance free speech with the right to peace and quiet and to take action to fix the D.C. noise law. This is a health and safety issue.
YOU CAN HELP: Send a written statement by July 23 to Ms. Cynthia Brock-Smith, Secretary to the Council, Room 5 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004. IF POLICE APPEAR, WE'LL DISPLAY THIS LETTER
Learn more at See highlights from last year's first-ever event in Georgetown

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