Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Heritage Trail Meeting Oct 30

The Meeting is at the Atlas (1333 H Street) at 7pm on October 30.
Here are the details from the Heritage Trail folks:

If you missed the first meeting regarding the establishment of a Heritage Trail on H Street, you missed a lot! Members of the community were able to remember a great deal of historical points of interest from the past of H Street. Among the topics discussed were the old Beverly Ice Company, the Apollo and Empire Theaters, the Uline Arena, the Car Barn at 15th Street, and the original Chuck Levin’s Music Center. Please join us for refreshments and good times as we continue to dig deeper and compile a more detailed history of the H Street corridor. We are looking for stories and pictures to help us remember what came before: businesses, great or dramatic moments, leaders and characters who should not be forgotten, and more. If you know of any members of the community who have photos or stories to share, please encourage them to come. Offer a ride or an escort, and enjoy a fascinating evening sharing memories and learning about our past.

If you have any questions about the Heritage Trails, please contact Jane Levey at (202) 661-7581 or If you have any questions about the H Street Heritage Trail efforts, or event participation, or if you can’t make the meeting, but would like to participate, please contact Thomas Gallo at (202) 286-4343 or

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's pretty cool!

i would have to add the WorldVision building on 3rd and I.

when it was built in the thirties, it was the world's largest dry cleaning plant in the world.

i looked it up in some of the old WaPo articles through proquest, which catalogues every edition of the post all the way to the late 1800's.

there's all kinds of funky stuff in the hood.

i'd like to find out what 'famous' people lived around the area.

you can do keyword searches, and i think i'll look up when the first time 'Trinidad' was used in a WaPo article.

also, the building at parker st. and 2nd used to be the areas largest orange crush bottler on the east coast.

there's plenty of stuff to add to the trail. if i'm not stuck at work, i'll try and bring some of the articles to the meeting - or pass them off to someone who's able to attend.