Monday, November 26, 2007

Work Continues @Pap & Petey's

Thanks to Will for sending in this photo of the new signage and news that a crew is still actively working on the place. Pap & Petey's, located at 421 H Street, will feature live jazz and blues.


Anonymous said...

When is this place going to open? The sign in the window says late December, but their are rumors that it will be sooner.

Alan Kimber, Commissioner, ANC 6c05 said...

Their stipulated license, which the ANC supported, is on the ABRA agenda for Wednesday. Once they have this, they should have everything they need to open--it is just a matter of when the interior, staff, etc. is ready. I've asked the owner if he can provide any update, and I'll pass along as soon as I have additional information.

Alan Kimber
ANC Commissioner, 6C05

Alan Kimber, Commissioner, ANC 6c05 said...

The owner of Pap & Petey's indicated that assuming they get their stipulated license on Wednesday and that they take care of a few paperwork items, they could open as early as next week. At worst, he thinks they should be open within 2 weeks. At the risk of jinxing things, with the ANC's support, they shouldn't have a problem getting the stipulated license tomorrow.

Alan Kimber
ANC Commissioner, 6C05

Anonymous said...

Wahoo! Looking forward to a late night business opening up on the West End of H. I just hope P&P invested in some security/protection for those beautiful new windows after seeing what Sidamo went through this summer.