Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It Can Be Amazing

In Shaw offers up the example of what was once a true ugly duckling building occupied by a check cashing place, but that has now been reborn as a swan. Click on the photos to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

Completely off-topic, but did anyone else notice that seemingly every tour bus on the eastern seaboard was congregated around H Street and Union Station this afternoon? What the hell was that all about?

Anonymous said...

It's the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Lots of protesters in town

Anonymous said...

Charter Buses were chased out of parking near the capitol building for security purposes. Then they were chased out of the "Historic Capitol Hill Neighborhood" because residents didn't like them taking up all their parking. Now they have seemed to find a new home here on Hst NE.

It is illegal for buses to park and remain engine idoling for more then 10 minutes. We need to stop charter buses from clogging up our corridor and polluting our air. How would you feel if you were a merchant and nobody could see your storefront because buses think they found an appathetic neighborhood where people don't care what you do? I see them parking at metro bus stops all the time making the metro bus have to take up the outside lane to drop people off. Lets stop them now.

Call 911 and report illegally parked buses.

inked said...

Often these guys park in Carver Terrace and are a problem there. Perhaps this is due to the street closings as well.

Anonymous said...


I believe that those buses were in town for a Pro-Life demonstration. Union Station was crowded when I walked through it going home after work. I agree with you. They need to have a set place elsewhere while they wait.

Besides, you should not call 911, but call 311 for these issues.


Anonymous said...

we're supposed to call 911 for parking issues now

Anonymous said...

Re: 911 for parking.

Is this correct? I have had people parking non stop in my private parking places on the weekend when parking enforcement is closed. i used to call 311 but was at a loss and 911 seemed to severe.

Is that really what we're supposed to do? Call 911 for parking poachers?

Anonymous said...

They're doing away with the 311 system. It's stupid yes, but it's happening.

Anonymous said...

This was exactly my point a few posts ago, but no one seemed to be concerned about it. I think its a HUGE mistake to take away 311 for non emergencies and have us calling 911 for parking emergencies, loitering on private property, illegal oil changes, etc.

Of course according to Poo Poo on those earlier posts, he thinks you should just go knock on the bus driver's window and ask them to please move that that's much more "neighborly" than calling the police.

Wonder what Tommy Wells thinks of this new 311 to 911 policy? I'm very concerned about it.

Anonymous said...

Earlier I thought there might be some smart way of splitting up the calls, but according to a WP article today, the new system really does mean to have everyone calling 911 for emergency and non-emergency.
As we saw in our recent PSA meeting, the risk of mis-categorization by these operators is already there and now there will be more consequences.
The article says at least one Council member is upset. Read it here
I think this is going to be a debacle that takes away some of the Fenty administration's rep for competence. Hopefully I'm wrong.

inked said...

On the parking thing I'm not sure. I recently called to 311 complain because someone was parked on my back lot and they transferred me to 727-1000.

DC Metro said...

Technically the tour busses are suposed to go to one of the staging/waiting areas that the city has set up outside of the national mall area.

However most tour bus operators from outside the region have no clue of the location at all!

Amanda from DCMetrocentric.com

Anonymous said...


DC is notorious for not having a good mechanism to stop people from parking in your private spaces at night and on weekends.

I'd suggest getting one of those orange Private Parking or No Parking stickers. You can get them at some hardware stores, or online.

Slap that baby on the parkers windshield, on the passenger side. It's sticky and a giant pain in the butt to get off.

Here's a good source...


Chances are pretty good they won't park there again.

If you wait for DC govt to help you with the problem you'll be waiting forever.

Anonymous said...

Good point Hillman. Is it legal or do you have to wait until no one is looking? Why the passenger side?

Anonymous said...

As far as I know it's legal, as long as there is no permanent damage (that's why you put it on the glass, not on a painted surface). I see it happening in big apartment complexes all the time.

I suggest putting it on the passenger side only as a courtesy, so the person can safely drive home.