Saturday, January 05, 2008

RCA Meeting Monday

Hello everyone,

The Rosedale Citizens Alliance will have its next meeting this Monday, January 7th at 7:30PM. We'll be meeting at Sova, 1359 H ST NE (2nd floor).

Highlights on the agenda include

-- presentation by John Cotten, Community Outreach Coordinator, Rosedale Youth Institute

(The Rosedale Institute is non-profit organization consisting of parents and volunteers who support the sports programs at the Rosedale Recreation Center. Mr. Cotten will tell us about
the work they do and discuss the grant application that RYI and RCA are putting together for the football program.)

-- update on issues to resolve traffic speed and volume in Rosedale/Kingman Park
-- spring planning for the Rosedale/Kingman Park community garden
-- updates on the future rosedale recreation and community center
-- discussion of closing of Gibbs Elementary

Rosedale Citizens Alliance
for more information, contact

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