Thursday, March 27, 2008

National Marathon Saturday

Please be aware that the National Marathon will be passing by our way on Saturday, and plan accordingly. Check out the map and just know the runners will be all over the place, including 13th Street, H Street, and K Street. Plan accordingly if you need to travel on Saturday.


Anonymous said...

Alan Limber must have taken Poo Poo's advice,he has resigned from the ANC, and is moving away. Actually he is moving for family reason. I think that that Im actually going to miss him.

Anonymous said...

He has had quite a positive impact in the neighbourhood. He is going to be missed. I only regret he won't be living here to see our neighbourhood potential be fully realized. I am sure he will return to visit!

Anonymous said...

Any word on XII liquor license? It amazes me to see all the excitement drummed up on this blog in the past for all the other establishments on acquiring their licenses, yet the lack luster being displayed for XII...Just find it interesting....

Trinidad Home Owner

Anonymous said...

The course actually runs on H Street (at that point in the race -- 11 miles) from 4th Street to 13th Street. The course then turns south on 13th Street, heading towards Constitution.

Since I am not the Mayor and only a lowly Commissioner, I am only running the half-marathon. I should be hitting H Street around 8:30am and the corner of 13th and H about 8:36am (give or take a minute). I might need a latte by then...

If the Mayor holds last year's performance, you should see him about the same time -- except he is running the full marathon (he is so out of shape!).

I will be wearing a long sleeve red shirt and "W" cap in honor of the Nationals game on Saturday night.

Have a great weekend and plan your Saturday accordingly!

Unknown said...

Doesn't anyone care about the Marathon and how it traps us in our homes all day on Saturday? I have a huge paper due Monday at Catholic, and I need to get up to the library. I am afraid to even attempt to get up there Saturday. Last year I got stuck in traffic two blocks from my house and it, 30 minutes to get back to my block. Maybe Mr. Kimber and other political types should try to mitigate the issues this race causes. The route completely cuts of the NE half of the City.

Anonymous said...

Violin please!

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, you know you are suppose to love have your neighborhood become a playground ... and your playground become a dog park.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the metro runs up around Catholic...

Anonymous said...

Probrepaul - Its one day a year. If you can't figure out a way to get to Catholic absent sitting in a car and waiting for several thousand runners to pass than you're not trying hard enough.

good luck runners!


inked said...

Trinidad Homeowner,
I typically have an easier time getting info on a place. My two major sources on XII have been Anwar Saleem and Cliff Humphries. I've been very busy recently, so I haven't made it over yet. I will point out that it took me a while to get to both NAPA 1015 and Pap and Petey's. It's a time and info issue. I often get a heads up on liquor license issues.

Unknown said...

I don't care if I get into it. I think the outreach done to people along the route (none, ok little placards posted along parts of the route) is bogus. I think the Mayor out there saying he is doing everything he can to help them promote the race is bogus. Does it bring anything but headaches to people on H st and benefit a 5,000 runners who a probably mostly from VA or MA? At the very least the promoters could do a better job of informing people along the route. Some of us don't have the luxury of loosing their Saturday to an event that will always be the step child of the Marine Corp marathon.

Anonymous said...

I am with Pobrepaul. I know it is politically incorrect to oppose a marathon, but the outreach to the neighbors it inconviences is nil. everyone is expectd to be on board and cheerful. I can't tell you how many times I have been "trapped" by the Capitol Hill 10K trying to get home from walking my dog at the cemetery. It is ok to have a run...but when you are in your car and there is no advice on a way around the route, I think it is presumptious and rude. It isn't just one day a year...the inconvienve from yet another run is constant.

Anonymous said...

Move to the suburbs if you don't like it...

I think it is fantastic that 5000 visitors get to see the changes on H St. Who know, maybe they'll come back and visit.

It never ceases to amaze me how much people whine on this blog.

Anonymous said...

people, get with it.

at what other time of the year do we get the opportunity to hang out on our lawns early in the morning to drink beer and throw the cans at runners?

it's like christmas, just once a year.

i say embrace it, and poo poo on you, haters!

Anonymous said...

They sure wouldn't get away with boxing in so many residents of NW for so long. In fact, when they had the first race on a Sunday over there there was outrage. There really has not been any effort at out reach to inform the community about this.

Anonymous said...

Inked- Please understand my comment was not a "shot" at you...You do a great job with with this blog....

I'm just saying in general usually more people speak about what they hear/heard seeing/saw etc with prior openings...Everyone seems a quieter than usual..Almost as I'm soon expecting to see :I told yall so" poping up in the future about XII...

Anonymous said...

For a little perspective....

Anonymous said...

It is about outreach and planning.."trapping and boxing in" residents. It is not whining, but expecting as much respect for our residential neighborhoods and the people who pay taxes to support them as anywhere else in the city. Capitol Hill is not the Mall.

I hope that in an effort to accomodate the 5,000 visitors that are going to be on H Street that some sort of brochure is handed so they know where to find all the new businesses. I don't say this critically. I have been talking up H Street to many Hill residents and the most common comment I get is "it doesn't look any different". While those who are intimately involved see the difference, it is not always readily apparent to the untrained eye.

Anonymous said...

Are you whiners freaking kidding?! I'm trying to sell my house just off H St. I'm hoping my realtor can arrange the open house when the runners are trampling through. Hopefully a would be buy can be convinced that this ain't such a bad neighborhood afterall if a marathon is routed through it. If you want to whine, whine about getting city service to clean up all the trash on H St.

Anonymous said...

Will 8th St NE/SE heading to Eastern Market Metro be blocked off?

Tom A. said...

I'm going to start a "walk for the the inconvenienced." :-)

And speaking of new businesses on H Street, I was pleasantly surprised to discover a new deli next to the H Street Playhouse! I think they opened in mid March. It's so great to have a locally-owned place to get a sandwich! Their name is a bit elusive though- it was hard to read their singage.

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous 3:55, The map page that Inked linked to in the post shows what times roads are supposed to reopen

Anonymous said...

For you fans of the 1970s show "Electric Company" which came on PBS right after Sesame Street:

We are the kids known as Whimper and Whine.
Whimper and Whine.
Whimper and Whine.
We are the kids known as Whimper and Whine.
Whimper and Whine, Whine, Whine.

Anonymous said...

speaking of electric company, do you remember that show that had an intro that went:

a zoom ah zoom ah zoom...

that one was pretty cool too.

Anonymous said...

here's a link to the show:

developed by KIDS for KIDS.

it's a shame we don't have that anymore...

Anonymous said...

you guys were right about that damn marathon! totally ruined my morning. in fact, my whole day is now ruined since i'm so worked up about it!

i tried walking across the street today and i actually had to pause to let a few runners go by!! can you imagine that? it had to be at least four or five seconds! i live in dc, these folks are just passing through and i'm the one who has to wait? where's the justice in that?

until these marathon types gain some manners and learn how to let us dc citizens cross the damn street whenever we damn well please, i say we put the whole thing on hold.

i'm so glad we only have to deal with this unbelievably inconvenient nonsense only once a year!

Anonymous said...

The new Deli is ANM Market & Deli, 1363 H. 202-388-7674. It's a convenience store that makes deli sandwiches, burgers, vegeburgers, saldads, plenty of stuff. Swing by and grab one of their menus. The other night we got back into town just as everyone's kitchen was closing and so we got a couple of sandwiches and washed them down w/ Lattes two doors down at SOVA.
Thank god there wasn't a marathon going through at the time. We might have been trapped on the wrong side of the street. And starved and died.... :-D

Anonymous said...

From an article in the NYTimes this morning....Why Blog?....

"A guy starts a blog and calls it Stuff White People Like. The site contains a list of cultural totems, including gifted children, marathons and writers workshops, that a certain type of moneyed and liberal American might be expected to like."

no-e-plz said...

As one of the participants in Saturday's race, I'll comment as a resident and a runner. Seriously...its a Saturday a.m., roads were open by 10 a.m. and if you can't plan around a well publicized event [signs have been up around the neighborhood for at least a week and info all over the place, including on the National Marathon web site that included road closures and expected openings] then you're just not paying attention. I was excited to run down H street, see the few neighbors who came out to cheer, passed a dude sitting on his front porch in bath robe and coffee cup in hand [yea for him!] and its once a year. It was also a great way to show folks just how much development has occurred on H street and the surrounding neighborhood.

The Marine Corp marathon, much larger, more publicized, runs all over the city, lasts longer, yet probably doesn't get as much grumbling...why?? Not exactly sure, however, the organizers of the National Marathon work their butts off, plotted a very diverse route through the city, and set a specific time limit [had to be able to complete the marathon in less than 5 hrs to even register] so as not to keep vital roads closed too long.

Oh, and the Nations Triathlon is in forewarned.

Anonymous said...

I saw a lot of "newcomers" running in the marathon. How are we going to stop them?