Thursday, May 15, 2008

ANC 6C05 Results

Tony Richardson is the new Commissioner. Statements from both candidates follow--

I am pleased to announce the results of the Advisory Neighborhood Commission Special Election for ANC 6C05. Two candidates were fighting for the non-partisan position. Last night, I was declared the winner and will be sworn in by Councilmember Tommy Wells as the ANC Commissioner 6C05.

The Commissioner seat became available after the sitting Commissioner resigned. After a month of campaigning, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all those within the community that connected with my message; worked to get other neighbors committed to my message; and for your investment in the issues facing our community by taking the time to come out and cast your vote. The success of my campaign was due to the care you have for our community, your commitment and support to drive the improved quality of life agenda. I also wish to acknowledge Rachael Hall who ran a good campaign and I look forward to working with her.

For those outside of our community, I extend my appreciation for your support during this campaign.

I will serve out the remainder of the term until January 2009. I intend to fulfill this term and campaign for a full 2-year term for the November General Election. While the Special Election is over, I will need your continued commitment and support to win the Commissioner seat in November.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tony Richardson

Greetings Neighbors,

As you know the special election to fill Alan Kimber's vacant ANC 6C Commissioner's seat was held last night, May 14, 2008. Congratulations to Tony Richardson for his victory. I would like to remind you that in six months, the general election will take place. This will give you the opportunity to vote to fill the ANC 6C05 Commissioner's seat for a 2 year period.

Let me take the opportunity to thank all of you who came out to the Heritage Foundation last night to vote, especially those of you who cast your vote for me. It was an extremely close race. Thank you for being gracious neighbors and for opening up your doors when I sought your vote and support. May we continue to work together as neighbors to make our neighborhood the best that it can be?

Rachael Hall


Anonymous said...

hang in there, rachael. i heard emily's list and rep. wasserman schultz were absolutely outraged by this result, and plan to intervene on your behalf. this isn't over yet!!!

i hope you're ready for the pain, councilMAN wells!

Anonymous said...

what the hell does that mean?

Anonymous said...

it's just some freak who ran out of medication.

inked said...

Just an odd sense of humor I'd say.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen this noted on the site yet so . . . the Harris Teeter in Jenkins Row opened on May 13! My wife went this morning and said it was fabulous - easy parking, very spacious, clean, helpful staff, great meat selection, etc. It's a great positive for the neighborhood (albeit not that close to H street). Link to the press release is below.

Anonymous said...

congrats to both candidates for running a wholesome and earnest campaign.

i'm sure we haven't heard the last from rachael, and tony has some big shoes to fill.

good luck to both, and let's rock and roll this neighborhood!

Anonymous said...

tony was very clever to post position right outside her senate square event. he gave literature, she didn't. i got a free drink from her and a platform from him. although i didn't even read what he handed me, he showed better strategy. ha.

Anonymous said...

I went to her meet/greet too. She had literature there. Lots of people were there so maybe u didn't see

Anonymous said...

the difference is that tony GAVE it out.

she 'laid it out'.

she was passive, he was proactive.

politics and getting this neighborhood up and running requires tony's attitude.

he's a 'get up and go' kind of guy.

perhaps a bit less 'glam', but that's what we need. someone with gusto.

no disrespect to the other candidate.

voters love a free drink, but want to see action.

Anonymous said...

oh, and it seems that ms. hall bought a mailing list to send out her 'request for votes'.

mine came to my address, but was addressed to the tenant who lived here 5 years ago.

that's not 'knockin' on my door' by any means.

i've gone through great pains to renovate my home and contribute to the neighborhood. it's kind of tacky for me to get a "please vote for me" addressed to my tenant that i had to evict.

that lost my vote right there.

it's too easy to buy a mailing list (they're all outdated), and booze me off.

nuh uh.

Anonymous said...

It's very clear that we were fortunate to have two exceptional candidates run for our ANC Commissioner. In my opinion, Rachael seemed to have more going for her campaign. I really enjoyed her meet and greet at Senate Square. Drinks, food, and an opportunity to connect/ network with my neighbors is what its all about. Only a social reject would come away with something negative about that function. Personally, I enjoyed the refreshing visibility of Rachael's campaign. In fact, isn't this the same positive visibility that we want for our neighborhood?! If T-Rich can't give me this, he's out of here next election.

Anonymous said...

Team Spirit Said

Building a great neighborhood requires team work. I support my neighborhood and so much appreciated Racahel's meet and greet and her ideas about making our neighborhood a place where people want to call home. I am grown-up and my support for Rachael does not call for "hating" Tony. Adults support their candidate yet have the tools to respect the other candidate as well. I don't think people like 'one drink can buy my vote', 'poo poo's incognito supporter' and 'can't buy my love'are really negative people, they are just use to negative politics -- a kind of childish way of getting attention. The days of negative politics are a bygone fad and smart people don't buy that kind of garbage. People like the three above are afraid to stand for anything on their own and can only feel empowered by engaging in bashing. Our neighborhood is about growth as in acting like stable grown-ups.

Anonymous said...

team spirit:

nice to know that you are part of the adult world.

sounds like you definitely have a grip on 'being an adult'.

glad to hear your point of view.

it's so nice to hear an adult point of view, with all these children posting...

Anonymous said...


i'll make it a point to tell tony to stage more martini socials. cuz that's really important to our neighborhood.

if he's too busy getting things done, hell, i'll host some socials. maybe you would consider doing the same? it's not that hard, and it doesn't combat drugs, abandoned houses, prostitutes, etc. but it's a good time, yeah? just what our hood needs.

in the meantime, i'd like for our commissioner to work for actions that actually make a difference. i don't know where you live, but tony has made a substantive difference in terms of alleviating prostitution in the hood.


Anonymous said...

To "cliff needs fewer cocktails"

Tony and Rachael both had alcohol at their meet and greets so don't hate on Rachael because she put more creativity into hers. She is after all an artist. Come on, Pap & Petey's–been there done that.

Rachael mentioned in her speech at the ANC last week that she fought to delay the pud for 318 I until the developer offered stronger community amenities. They're donating $10,000 to JO Wilson Elementary, job fairs etc. as a result of her efforts. She also said she worked a lot on litter and abandoned houses in the area.

Prostitution is only one of many problems in our hood so don't sound stupid for not taking the time to know what she's about. By the way, I heard she only lost by like 5 votes, so almost half the people that voted, voted for her. She gets the job done and is really down to earth. I'll vote for her again if she decides to run in November.

Anonymous said...

Commenting on what Poo said about Tony having some big shoes to fill. Is this a real statement? Alan did not do that much for the neighborhood. I'm an attorney this and blah blah that. I did not see any results, just a lot of talk. A website and some shady facts does not make you G.W. Bush or should I say JFK (since he claims being a Demorcrat now). I've been around here for a while and I have never seen Rachel Hall and have never heard her platform before this special election. Did she run against Kimber and Rivera? If she did, my bad, If she didn't, my point exactly.

Anonymous said...

It does not matter if Tony only won by 5 votes because it only takes 1 vote more to win. What's the point of that statement? If the same amount of people vote for the election in November, the results will be the same. Some of the people that supported Tony were not here to vote so he could possibly win by more votes next time since it was so close. Bust that.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:28

I think the point is that Tony's position isn't secure as commissioner. He didn't win by a large margin so the election could go either way in November if Rachael runs again.

Anonymous said...

Does any of this matter.. We had two good candidates Tony won, it’s done. It’s that simple.

Anonymous said...

I am a homosexual or gay male living in ANC 6CO5. However you want to spin it is okay with me as long as I am not called a “faggot.” I think it is an honor being gay or homosexual but there is no honor in being a “faggot”. Some of your posts sound just like something a “faggot” would say. Faggots are known for their off the cuff thinking, childish, accusatory, and irresponsible behaviors. They think out of their back ends and not their brains. They are from the other side of midnight. My gay friends are professional, educated, and classy and would not be caught dead with the likes of you. We do not bring attention to ourselves by being flaming loud and obnoxious like some of you.

What is the big deal about who had what and where? Why should a drink at a social occasion or a mailing list that may not be totally up to par make a difference? I get mail all the time that do not belong to me because we all know that people use DC addresses and don’t even like in DC. People are in transit and GOD forbid, they move away. Go talk to the Board of Elections; there records are not totally accurate. In fact, how many data bases are accurate in the DC? What is all of this persecution about because one the candidates have the gumption to use an existing mailing list? You sound like a hen house of hard up roosters. Having a meet and greet at Senate Square is no more important than having one elsewhere. Most of you are probably on meds and do not give a darn about your neighborhood on a bad day let alone a good day. You sound so divisive, yet you pretend to care so much about your little neighborhood. Poppycock!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judging from the turn out, not very many people cared enough about their neighborhood to come out and vote. Your universe consisted of only 45 votes and two of those votes included Mr. Richardson’s and Ms. Hall’s vote. Neither candidate was able to put fire in the belly of the neighborhood. Evidently, no one gives a crap about what goes on in the neighborhood. All you want to do like most people is complain. You would still squawk if the neighborhood was perfect. I did not feel that either candidate were ready to fill Allen Kimber’s shoes. Allen has done a good job for the neighborhood and will be missed. After all, he did the best he could for a bunch of ingrates.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous May 19, 2008-9:16 p.m.

You idiot with your stupid comments!!! Let's get something constructive going on on this blog. Let's plan something for ANC6C05 instead of wasting a lot of time bitching. Both Richardson and Rachael are okay people and if you were about anything then you would know that Hall did not run against Alan or Rivera. I bet you only know people in your block or next door. Have you been living in a tree with the squirrels because you know about as much as a squirrel. Your problem is you don't know what the hell is going on under your nose. You are clueless like your friends if you can say that Alan did not do much for the neighborhood. Of course, let me apologize. I cannot blame you for what you said because you know nothing. Alan is a champion who deserves more than put downs from you because he is leaving. He did the best that he could as ANC Commissioner and I honor him for that. Hey, what did you do since living in the neighborhood? Oh, let me guess, BITCH!!!!! Shut up and put out.

inked said...

I pulled a comment from this thread a minute ago. It would be nice if people could exercise a bit of discretion in the leaving of comments. Keep the language relatively clean, and be nice.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you pull the last comment? It has vulgar language in it. You seem very bias to me. If you eradicate one you should eradicate all. You are a hipocrite!

inked said...

Vulgar language in itself won't get your comment pulled unless your entire comment is vulgarity. However, hate speech, targeting particular people in a really abusive way, or other such when you have no other substance to your comment will get it pulled [the yanked comment did all of the above, and I can only assume, based on the content and timing, that the commenter was probably drunk when he wrote it]. The comment above yours was border line based on my criteria. It must be hard to ascertain if I'm biased without reading the yanked comment. Unless, of course, you were the one who left that comment.

inked said...

I don't particularly like the comment left by anon 914, but the yanked comment was very short and non-substantive, abusive [914 was also abusive, but contained some substantive comment], had hate speech, and contained no fewer than 6 obscenities in its 3 lines. The admonishment was meant for all comments, especially 914.

inked said...

My mistake, 7 obscenities in 3 lines.