Tuesday, May 06, 2008

ANC 6C05 Candidates

I know that I previously mentioned that candidates needed to contact me to be included on Frozen Tropics, but I'm making a small exception. I think this covers all candidates for the 6C05 spot, but if I'm wrong please correct me. To me the most impressive thing is that there appear to be some very strong and interested candidates. Please recall that some seats go vacant due to a lack of interest. Announcement appears below-

Residents of 6C05,

According to the Board of Elections and Ethics, ANC 6C will hold a
special election to determine a new ANC Commissioner on May 14, 2008 at
its regularly scheduled monthly meeting at the Heritage Foundation, 214
Massachusetts Avenue NE, 7 pm.

The election will be open to registered voters of SMD 6C05 only.
Potential voters must present themselves at the polling place and must
have either a voter identification card showing that they are registered
to vote in SMD 6C05 or be listed as a voter in SMD 6C05 on the voter
registration list provided by the Board of Elections and Ethics.

Be mindful that voting will take place between 7:00pm and 8:00pm. For
regular updates including parking information visit www.votetonyrich.org
and contact Tony Richardson.


Tom A. said...

Woah. SMD 6C05 meets at the Heritage Foundation? If I lived there, I'd try to get it moved. I'd rather meet outside in a blizzard on a frozen park bench! They are an extremely conservative group, and are outspoken foes of gay rights, women, immigrants, and government in general! They even hate social security and other government programs that actually help people. I'm sure they'd hate the "wasteful" spending done by ANCs, so I guess meeting there is a bit ironic! but still, the candidates should all resolve to move the location if elected! I've never been a fan or polling places or government meetings being held in churches either, but this is ridiculous. And yes, I'd be just as perturbed (well, almost!) if meetings or elections were held at a Planned Parenthood as well.

inked said...

it can be hard to get free spaces. The important this to remember, and I'm not fan of the Heritage Foundation's politics, it that ANC stuff is non-partisan, and we look for free space where is can be found, whether that be churches, rec centers, ect.

Anonymous said...

why do all of your posts' titles have links except for this one?

just curious.

inked said...

Poo Poo,I forgot to give an initial title.

Anonymous said...


Unfortunately, Inked is 100% correct. ANC 6C had to search for nearly a year to get longer-term space at Heritage Foundation. Before that, our meetings had to move every month or two because we couldn't find anywhere that would commit for more than 1-2 meetings--meaning that constituents had a really hard time knowing where to show up for meetings.

Although I'm no longer a Commissioner, I do know that the ANC continues to explore other options. One recurring difficulty in finding space is that the ANC is (rightly so) dedicated to holding its meetings at locations that are easily accessible by public transportation.

While I don't agree with their policy positions, they have been very helpful to the community in making the space available to the ANC.

Alan Kimber

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention--

Space is so hard to come by that 6C was forced to hold a number of meetings at the NPR building on Mass Ave--which is not even in ANC 6C.

It is very difficult to get churches or schools to make space available until 9pm, making those locations difficult to use.

We would have loved to hold the meetings at one of the many hotels around Union Station--I mean, their conference rooms are mostly unused when the ANC meets, but we were universally turned down--unless, of course, we wanted to pay the (high) market rate to rent the space. Certainly the hotel's prerogative (it's their property, of course), but it's not like we didn't search.


Anonymous said...

He was in front of Rachael Hall’s event last night trying to get votes. That just shows how desperate and untrustworthy he is. Regardless of who wins, the common goal is that we should all be working together to better our community, not trying to undermine each others efforts. He is acting like a typical dirty politician and makes me question his integrity. Rachael Hall is definitely getting my vote. Shame on you Mr. Tony Rich.

Anonymous said...


Tony is a neighbor of mine, and a very upstanding, active member of the community. I take offense at your suggestion that he is "desperate" "untrustworthy" or a "dirty politician". Clearly you have never met the man.

I also saw Tony outside of Senate Square and said a quick "hello." He was respectfully talking with people who happened to engage him--no signs, banners, buttons or outlandish attempts to hijack Rachael's event. I personally didn't see anything unfair about his campaigning.

I think the right person's integrity to be questioned is not Tony's, but rather someone who anonymously posts a blatant attempt at baseless character assassination.

Both Rachael and Tony have run spirited campaigns on the issues, without resorting to namecalling or anything like that--kudos to both of them.

Alan Kimber

Anonymous said...

Greeting Neighbors,

I first like to thank Alan Kimber publicly for defending my character and for his support.

As a concerned resident and viable candidate, I have been reaching out to residents by canvassing the neighborhood, businesses, attending events, and meetings. Since the entire community was invited to the Senate Square event, like others, my family attended. As a community advocate, I took the opportunity to inform residents (I have yet to meet) that I was also running in the election and encouraged them to attend the election to hear from both candidates. I also encouraged residents to enjoy the event and take the opportunity to tour the building.


As a loving husband and a devoted father I work hard everyday to keep my family safe and secure. In my professional capacity as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer, I am entrusted with a high level degree of responsibility to coordinate with other law enforcement organizations and the judiciary to implement safety and security measures for the protection of residents living within the metro area.

I’ve held leadership positions throughout my academic and professional career. I have a graduate degree in public policy and public administration. I had the honor of working closely on Mayor Adrian Fenty’s campaign. As a result, I maintain close relations with key advisors in the mayor’s administration.

Regardless of the outcome, it is my objective to continue working in the community in which I have much invested to improve the quality of life for all. Prior to this special election I have been working effortlessly on quality of life issues affecting our community with the ANC’s Transportation, Pedestrian Safety, and Public Space Committee; a number of safety and security issues with MPD (to include the unsavory activities in our alleys, drug and prostitution activities); and Councilmember Wells' Office concerning our H Street corridor.

My significant background in the public sector has giving me a solid understanding of how government works and how to make government work for you. I seriously mean it when I say, “ I am frontline leadership.” I have received favorable responses from key governmental and legislative officials to coordinate the community efforts to make our neighborhood a “neighborhood of choice.” My goal is to connect as many concerned residents as possible so we all can work together in continuing to improve our quality of life.

The level of competition involved in political campaigns should give voters an opportunity to question their issues and compare the candidates’ background, experience, ideology, and his capacity to carry the torch on the issues that most affect you as a resident of ANC 6C05.

I have invited my opponent to a debate whereby the residents would ask questions of us both but she declined. As a result, the only time residents will get a real opportunity to compare both candidates is through our campaign strategies and on Election Day.

I invite all to view my website to learn more about M. Tony Richardson the ANC 6C05 Commissioner of Choice at www.VOTETONYRICH.ORG

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say I attended the Rachael Hall event and had a chance to talk with Mr. Richardson. I found him to be very communicative in his desires for the neighborhood. I think that there are two good candidates here, but my personal opinion lies with Mr. Richardson, whose acquaintance I was glad to make. With so many important issues facing the neighborhood, I think everyone shoule avail themselves to the issues and make a decision for themselves, but MUST VOTE. Whoever you decide to vote for, please make an effort. Our neighborhood depends on it.

Anonymous said...

I also attended Rachael's meet and greet at Senate Square on Tuesday basically out of curiosity.  I wasn't sold on any candidate running for ANC but for some reason, her announcement in Frozen Tropics caught my eye. Senate Square looks really nice from the outside so I really wanted to check it out.  When I got there, I was warmly greeted at the door and was directed to the food and drink area.  There was a nice crowd of people there.  I was impressed because getting more than ten people out for any community event, except after someone getting shot, is a miracle.  I ate and then we were silenced because the talking was about to begin.  When Rachael finally spoke, I felt that I needed to listen.  She was friendly, down to earth, unpretentious, and passionate about her neighborhood.  One thing that I came away with was the fact that Rachael seems to be a person that get things done.  She doesn't promote herself but the cause, the neighborhood.  She has proven that she can definitely draw a crowd.  She's definitely not your average politician and I really like that.  Thanks for putting that together and for the chance to find out what you’re about Rachael and you have my vote.  I think you can take us where we need to go.

jesse said...

hi please visit the fan page of ANC 6c05. Just follow the link below. Dont forget to like the page. Thanks

jesse said...

We support M. Tony Richardson. Please visit our facebook fan page to show we support Tony..
Just follow the link below

jesse said...

We support M. Tony Richardson. Please visit our facebook fan page to show we support Tony..
Just follow the link below