Saturday, May 31, 2008

Last Night Was Violent...Really Violent

We begin our tale in the 1600 block of Trinidad Ave where police shot and killed a man who lunged at officers with a knife following a domestic dispute [or read the Post version]. This was between 9 and 10pm. Then we head over to the 1200 block of Florida Avenue where the drunk driver of a very large tow-truck hits 2 cars before taking out a wrought iron treebox installed earlier that day and finally coming to rest in front of a church. One of the cars contained a woman and her young daughter. A passenger jumped out of the tow-truck and ran off, knocking roughly 20 empty beer cans to the ground as he exited the vehicle.
Our next stop is the 1100 block of Holbrook Street where a triple shooting occurred around 4am. Two news channels say Holbrook Street, but the listserv says Holbrook Terrace, so take your pick, but Channel 4 describes the location as close to Florida Ave, and Holbrook Terrace is not that. All three shooting victims were male and all are now dead. One was in an SUV, and the other two were outside of the SUV.

NBC4 covers the shootings.


The triple shooting took place on Holbrook Street, not Holbrook Terrace
And there was a homicide on Abbey Place. Abbey place is in Near Northeast. The accident involving the tow truck is on the southern boundary line of Trinidad, and the other two shootings were in Trinidad.


Anonymous said...

The 3x shooting was probably Holbrook Ter - that's what the listserv says.

inked said...

I agree. The news is always screwing up stuff like that. So between the two sources I'll go with Holbrook Terrace. But then there is the fact that all of Morse was mysteriously blocked off earlier today and that might suggest Holbrook Street.

inked said...

Looks like Holbrook Street is being reported on two channels and one channel describes it as near Florida Ave, so I'm changing it back to Holbrook Street.

Anonymous said...

Well by my count four bad guys are now dead and 1 was arrested. Sounds like progress to me.

Anonymous said...

11th and H

In addition there were two fights outside 12 Rest and Lounge last night between 230 and 330.

1st fight was between two intoxicated woman and teh second between two men who were threatening to stab eachother.

I live in the street and have a clear vantage point of 12 and the corner. Made for some really good people watching

Unknown said...

I begin to wonder if the violence and idiocy will actually end. I had to spend the morning at Rock Creek Park to get my head together after all of this. I've been contemplating a move to a different part of Trinidad. All of this makes me think about buying farm land far far far away.

I don't see it as X down & more to go. This isn't progress. I see each loss of life as a tragedy, each event contributing towards our collective brokenness. I would like to have hope, but the more I see, feel and learn the more audacious and intangible hope becomes.

Sometimes I would like to opt for a final solution, where we could get all violent people together and kill them, but then we would be violent ourselves and the cycle would never end until the last person on earth was killed.

I would love a solution, it's all overwhelming. I can't imagine DC, Trinidad, my neighborhood w/o violence. That makes me idolize some dark place to escape to. Today I went to Rock Creek Park, "The woods are lovely, dark and deep… And miles to go before I sleep."


Anonymous said...

There was crime scene tape in front of my house this morning, and I was wondering what was up. Thanks for the timely reporting.

Anonymous said...

The Sky is Falling said:

And I didn't think my crunchy tuna roll at Sticky Rice was perfect! Also, a man (perhaps and owner) with a tattoo said, "Hi!" to me and I prefer "hello!"

Unknown said...

Let's not forget about the homicide on Abbey Place...

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much of this crime is coming in from Maryland (ie, knuckleheads who live in Maryland who come back into the district) and how much of it locally grown knuckleheads.

It seems to me this is a war of attrition. These knuckleheads are not going away until the houses/condos they hang out in get either demolished or bought out by gentrifiers. That could take several more decades.

I know I'll probably get attacked for that opinion but I don't think anyone can deny that some blocks in Trinidad/Cap hill have one "problem" house that the knuckleheads congregate at and the neighbors wish they could take a rocket launcher to.

Anonymous said...

We live in Fallujah, folks. We have disparate groups in Trinidad, Orleans/Abbey, Sursum Corda, Lincoln Road, Langston, Saratoga, and Rosedale .Guns/ammo are coming in via Benning Road...stolen cars are going out via New York Avenue/Rhode Island Avenue...drugs are coming in pretty much any east/west artery.

The only way this will end is self extermination, displacement, or intervention. Self extermination is the quickest and cheapest thus far. Displacement would be a better alternative, but only with assistance from the District in installing better lighting, cleaning up vacant properties, and passing a loitering law. Intervention is a waste of time.

Got ammo?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the cops are doing anything about the scene on 6th Street between K and L? Or maybe about the block of 7th just south of H?

Anonymous said...

This is so disorienting. I was sitting on my deck when the shots rang at around nine, and I swore I heard them coming from the South. Then, I see cop cars racing that way. It turns out that everything happened north of me? acoustics on my block are weird.

Anonymous said...

it could be worse, folks.

you could have been hit by one of the bullets.

but you weren't.

methinks that's reason to celebrate!

hand me over one of those zero gravity 40 ouncers, and let's get our go go on!

Anonymous said...

Many of us have vastly different views on how to combat crime in our city, but we should feel some sorrow for the families of these victims. And even for the families of the shooters.

It's not easy for family members (and by 'family' I mean a comprehensive grouping of blood family, friends, lovers, etc.) being caught up in all of this.

Anonymous said...

I have no sorrow for the families of the shooters. They are equally culpable in letting their child become a monster...I do have some sorrow for the victims, though I suspect they made a significant contribution to their own demise. "Beef" is virulent, and runs rampant here in Fallujah

Unknown said...

It's morning again in Trinidad. Today less men and women will go to work than ever before in our neighborhood's history. With foreclousre rates at about twice the record highs of 1970, a fair number families today will loose their homes, more than at any time in the past several years. This afternoon countless young men and women will sell drugs, sex or drugs and sex for prices not affected by inflation, they can look forward with confidence to the future. It's morning again in Trinidad, and under the leadership of Mayor Fenty, the District Council, our ANCs, Civil Servants and most importantly neighobrs who refuse to cooperate with the police, our Neighbood isn't prouder, stronger or better.

Anonymous said...

I blame the guns and not the shooters. We clearly need tougher gun laws.

Anonymous said...

Tougher gun laws? What could be tougher than the current law -- which may or may not be constitutional, we'll know soon enough. If Friday nights unfortunate activity isn’t enough of an indicator, hand gun laws are not followed by criminals – their criminals.

Anonymous said...

I second that, guns are harmless, fools with guns are dangerous.


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I blame the guns and not the shooters. We clearly need tougher gun laws.

Jun 2, 2008 7:42:00 AM"


Please explain to me how you think we could have tougher gun laws. Reading your moronic post has made my HEAD SPIN!

inked said...

OK, to clarify, bk people seem to be missing it. Anon 742's post about blaming the guns, rather than the shooters was SARCASM.

Anonymous said...

Consider me one who missed the sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

i don't think it's the guns or the shooters really. it's the damn landlords. i always said that in trinidad and carver langston, where lots of bad people rent and do not own and where the areas have historically had issues with problem renters and places where they live, that the landlords are at fault for causing bad situations to become worse. if the city would truly exercise power and get rid of the "problem" houses, which would displace the "problem" people and fix up the "problem" properties, then there might be some solutions to these violence issues. think about it: most of the absentee rental property owners in the district have some kind of negativity attached to their properties that cause blight in the neighborhood--whether they be eyesores, drug houses, prostitution dens, rat havens, or whatever. these bad landlords have to be made responsible for the messes they allow to happen. it's not fair to all the decent people who live in the neighborhood and actually maintain their properties and care about their surroundings...

just my opinions.


the northeast diva

DCJaded said...

We CAN do things about landlords causing problems. Take note of problem houses and log all bad activity, police calls, etc.. Confront the Landlord. With DC real property assessment database you can find out the owners name and address. Write letters. Have the neighbors sign a petition. The residents of my block have done that in the past. If they are Section 8, they have to abide by very stringent rules. If nothing else works, you can always take the landlord to court. These are, of course, drastic measures, but they are all legal and measured responses.

Anonymous said...


Obviously you are unfamiliar with how rental laws work in DC.

It's damn near impossible to evict problem tenants in DC. Even after discovering that they deal drugs, harbor prostitution, etc., it can literally take years to evict them.

Yes, there are absentee landlords that don't monitor their properties.

But there are FAR more bad tenants who are the ones messing the properties up to begin with.

Who do you think deals the drugs, harbors the prostitutes, tears up the properties? It's not the landlords.

And who do you think set up rent control, which creates substandard housing by making sure the landlord isn't reimbursed for fixing up his property?

It's an easy out to blame landlords only. But it's not really in synch with the reality of how the laws and reality work in DC.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4:24 pm-

We have been working with the cops for a couple of years regarding the crew at 6th and L. And we would be happy to get some help from the larger neighborhood! Anytime you drive by, walk by, fy by, whatewver and observe those guys dealing, acting sketchy, fighting, standing in the street, blocking the sidewalk, congregating en masse...PLEASE call the cops. The recent shooting was a long time in coming based on the activities of this group.

And I can assure you that their activities aren't limited to this one little patch of NE. I used to listen to them talk about stelaing people's bags at Union Station, and their friends often joyride around the block in stolen cars.

So just b/c it's not in your front yard, it does, or will affect you at some point.