Saturday, May 31, 2008

NYT Banning Small Single Cigars

I thought this New York Times article might be of interest. It concerns a proposal in Baltimore that is said to be intended to curb teen smoking.


Anonymous said...

Funny, no mention that they are also used to roll blunts ...

DCJaded said...

Yeah, but I do see alot of young kids in the neighborhood smoking those sickly sweet smelly swisher cigars.

Anonymous said...

That is funny those single cigars are used for smoking pot! Inner city kids always are buying them, just like the three boys in NE DC who beat the 7-11 owner for not selling them a cigar so they could get high...

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember when this was a free country?

Anonymous said...

I remember reading somewhere that the president of the company that makes Phillies was quoted as being dumbfounded that people roll marajuana into his cigars. He said something like, "What do they do, Wrap it back up with tape?"