Friday, May 30, 2008

WP: Deaf Residents Targeted For B&E?

The Post has a story on a series of break-ins near Gallaudet University that has some wondering if deaf residents are being specifically targeted by thieves. I'll mention that my roommate had to call the police yesterday after he witnessed a middle age crackhead looking guy rob an older deaf woman of her watch and wallet on Florida Ave. Home invasions are very scary, particularly when the residents are home. I have some hearing friends who slept through a burglary in their house on the Hill a fews years back and they were very shaken to know someone had been in their home while they were sleeping. I can only imagine how dangerous it might be if the residents weren't sleeping but merely didn't hear the intruder and accidentally surprised him.


Anonymous said...

we have a medium sized dog who barks like crazy when anyone comes near the house. makes us feel a lot safer.

Anonymous said...

is "medium sized dog" slang for "dc crack head?" Where would I get one of those for myself?

Anonymous said...

I have plenty of my block, help yourself Anon 10:53.

Anonymous said...

Dude, a dog is the bomb for keeping people out of your house!
Better than ADT.

Anonymous said...

where can i getting exploding dog for make security in my house?

america has a many good ideas!!

Anonymous said...

its a very unfortunate fact that the members of the deaf community in the area have been targets of predators and thieves for years. i feel like professional criminals have a "code of ethics" (yes, a cliched contradiction, i know) and only the desperate and weak thieves target the deaf. i am surprised that the city hasn't put more police in the area. i think we all know what the city would do if students at georgetown, george washington univ, or american univ were constantly mugged and their homes buglarized.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if the police patrolled deaf areas a bit more they'd also do everyone else a favor and tell them to shut things down when their parties run way late into the night.

inked said...

Anon 340, please alert your commissioner, or the University, if you are unable to reach your commissioner. Gallaudet recently changed their student conduct code to better deal with off campus behavior. I can say that the University is very much committed to being a good neighbor, and though student parties and off campus behavior have been a serious problem in the past, the University is now actively working with ANCs and the police to resolve these issues.

inked said...

Anon 340, that said. Don't hesitate to call the police if there is loud party happening that is keeping you up at night. It might be useful to mention that the parties are deaf, or hard of hearing, to ensure that MPD dispatches the appropriate units.

Anonymous said...

i lived in g-town for years. there are plenty of loud parties around that village.

the cops are relatively polite when they "shut them down".

i know. i got busted for one, in a home i owned.

you live around a university, you expect that.

if ya don't like it, move back to the burbs, or oklahoma, indiana, or from whatever cow patty you left.

them's my ten cents.

Anonymous said...

What I was getting at is that although I'm quite familiar with standard operating procedure when dealing with Gallaudet students, the last two times there was a ridiculously late party and I and another neighbor called the cops, no one showed.

It's not like we were trying to get peace and quiet at 10 o'clock on a Friday - it was 3 and 4 AM and after one or both of us had asked the students to pipe down.

Anonymous said...

This truly sucks if they are targeting deaf people. I mean, worse than if the fact that they are breaking into people's homes in the first place.

But about Gallaudet kids, I've had plenty walk down my block beers in hand, "carrying on." One time, I called the cops because I thought someone got shot on a holiday weekend, turns out it was some deaf kid being drunk and banging on everything on his/her way home. Now that I know I can call the University if they act up, I will.

plasmid203 said...

I love my pit bull...