Thursday, June 26, 2008

BLINGO Tonight at Sticky Rice

See the announcement below-

Sticky Rice starts BLINGO every Thursday starting June 26th.

"It's speed bingo meets Chinese new year"

Prizes are won each round, but the winner of the next round is able to steal that prize or get a new one. Its fast paced and action packed!!

Starts at 10pm every Thursday night. Sticky Rice is located at 1224 H Street.


Anonymous said...

I think this is a great step for sticky rice. I finally visited last week and had a great time there sipping PBRs at the bar and chatting with friends, other customers, and the staff. The food was pretty much rubbish though. Sure, the trendy sushi thing is a good idea but at least do it right. I couldn't even taste the fish from the rolls that fell apart. I'll go back for the drinks and try the bingo but I'll give it some time before eating there again. - sal

Ben said...

Ahi tuna burger = OK.

Tater tots = excellent

Anonymous said...

I went (alone) for the first time last night and sat at the bar. Eric (the manager) was awesome, and I think half the staff stopped by at some point and made a point to ask how I was doing or fill up my drink.

As for the food, while the crab cake sandwich and veggie roll were excellent, nothing can possibly compare to the tots and sauce (except for maybe the rediculous Japanese tv shows on the big screen). Absolutely amazing.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to imagine that anything could be labeled as "speed" at this place.

Anonymous said...

The food is so so. In stead of covering everything in ketchup like they did as a kid, they now cover everything in hot sauce.

The decor is pretty contrived to say lookee at me, I'm soooo cool.

The music is loud enough to drown out absolutely any thought that maybe you should get the hell out of there.

Yep, they need gimmicks.

Katy said...

Did anyone go to Blingo? What's it like? Rec or skip?

Anonymous said...

Come on already not every establishment is going to be right for you. I'm so sick of how nasty people get on this website. If you don't like it don't go back, it's not that hard to figure out.

Anonymous said...

12th/D: Are you kidding? Business owners (including restaurant owners) love forums like this. All the stuff no one would say to your face or your manager gets said here (or forums like this). Back in the day, your restaurant would fail and you weren't exactly sure why. This is better than an expensive mail in customer service survey (which no one mails in)!

Anonymous said...

I too am sick of the negative usually racially motivated comments on this blog. It is a shame because it is tough to say anything constructive without getting bashed by others.

Look at that great article in the Washington Post. Right now there are 84 comments 50% claiming that the writer was racially bias towards black establishments. People please grow up. We are over the days of segregation and the majority of people who lived at that time are not even computer savvy enough to know what a blog is...

Anonymous said...

I like Sticky Rice. Sure, it's a bit hipster, but so what? I've never had anyone there be unfriendly toward me, even though it's obvious my hipster quotient is single digits.

But I have to say I'm still a bit miffed over their 'jumbo shrimp' appetizer. Come on, guys - those six or so shrimp all put together may have made one jumbo shrimp, if that.

Either change the name on the menu or get some actual jumbo shrimp.

Are there worse things in the world? Sure. But a man deprived of jumbo shrimp on a hot DC night aint' nothing to be trifled with...

Anonymous said...

hillman, you are officially denoted as a "goober".

i'm putting in a request to rename the shrimp, "jumbo shrimp for little people".

better that way?

Anonymous said...

Good lord, people, what is the deal with complaining about Sticky Rice? Talk about a high-class problem to complain about. One moment folks complain about neighborhood murders and lack of police presence; then, when there is a response, whether our civil liberties are in jeopardy. Then folks complain about a hip-hop joint; but if its a hip-hip joint, folks kvetch about sushi? Please.

The great thing about a blog is that it provides a modern forum of debate. Most posters know that if one ventures even a nod towards sexism, racism, affiliation, orientation or class, it unleashes a firestorm of comments to the point of 100+ entries. Yet, it those -isms are avoided, it still seems perfectly fair game and acceptable to trash talk in general. It's way past time to be far more adult about what we write here.

I’ve been waiting two decades for entrepreneurial investors to take a chance on building cool establishments on H Street. At long last, there are several places within walking distance. Somebody dared to take on major financial risk -- far more than my cost of dinner, because I can simply leave, but they’re stuck 24/7. It’s true that business owners want to hear constructive comments. So instead of saying "hard to describe anything like speed at this place," or "drenching everything in hot sauce," figure out how to say it in a manner that's less sarcastic and cavalier. Because if your coworker snarked at you in that tone, you'd be bawling and squalling all the way to the HR department, insulted that you were not spoken to in the respectful manner you deserve.

For Sticky Rice, I thought the interior was welcoming and interesting. After all, I cannot afford to purchase new décor for every restaurant should the décor not meet my exact personal preference during my two hour stay. I found all the customers to be enjoying themselves. I thought the food was fine, the staff was friendly and interesting. I am going to keep going back. And if they make a mistake, I’ll simply go back again. Nobody blogs about our performance in most of OUR jobs. Yet.

When Sticky Rice ran out of my first choice of an entrée, I simply selected my second choice, and calmly concluded I’d try my first choice next time - - if I even remembered or cared what my first choice was next time. If they made a mistake, they apologized, and I accepted their apology. Frankly they were almost borderline pathologically contrite, probably due to the trauma of reading the vitriolic, inflammatory, unreasonable and unrepresentative dreck of some of the commentators here.

And if someone submits a comment that my description of the commentators here is over the top - - then I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

wear the ft moron abuse like a badge of honor, sticky rice. after all, EVERY bar/restaurant in this neighborhood has been slammed on this blog by some douchebag with a bad attitude. you now have h street cred that puts you in great company (gm's, argo, napa, etc.). there are tons of wanna-be amateur food critics out there who want to feel important by "warning" others about their experiences, and nothing is going to change that. just keep on providing a great product, keep improving, keep being innovative, and 99% of the people will continue loving what you have to offer.

Anonymous said...

and every discussion includes some bozo-nut that calls everyone that he disagrees with a douchebag... yadaydaya.

Anonymous said...

dr. phil, I'm confused. Because there is finally investment of H street, criticism is not warranted or acceptable? I would love to love sticky rice. I thought it was a great place, overall. But what I ate was simply not quality. It was ok. However, my friend and I ordered less than we planned to because what we ate during the first round was boring and bland. As someone who spent years in the biz, if I were in SR's position, I would love to know that people were disappointed in my food and unlikely to eat there again. I think the place has loads of potential but it's far from reaching it at this stage.

Liz said...

In other news - the ice cream/sweets shop is open now! I saw it this morning on my way back from the farmer's market, and we got a doughnut and a muffin and it was less than $2.

It was too early for ice cream, but I'll definitely be back to try it (it's Hershey's). They will be open until 10pm tonight.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know what happened at the new Verizon store in the 10 hundred block of H? The place is trashed. They have been open less than a week. They didn't open today.

Dan said...

the comment threads are far too vague, resulting in annoying "this place sucks" comments ... I propose that our favorite FT blogger state model questions, like "if you went, what did you get and how was it?" lame i know, but maybe worth a try? i'm sick of petty comment infighting (a symptom of all blogs)

here are some of my questions:
- did anyone actually go to Blingo or plan to?
- does anyone else find Argo trivia to be completely uncompetitive? is cheating rampant?
- what happened to RnR Jenga? it's off the calendar? run-off by W. Trivia and Tr. Blingo?
- does the "Sundog" at the Pug make anyone else feel like they have a parasite?

inked said...

Dan, good points. I will consider them. BTW, do you have a parasite? I'm hoping not, because I' like to attribute all the good suggestions to you, and not an alien in your stomach. I'll try to add some direction. With certain threads that can be tricky, but I'll give it a shot to see if it helps.